On October 30, 2014

In support of Marc Brierre

Dear Editor,
This letter is in support of Marc Brierre for State’s Attorney. As an officer for the Vermont State Police, I’ve known Marc as a prosecutor for all of my time in the Rutland area. In one of my very first cases in Rutland County, Marc went out of his way in a small larceny case to meet with me at the scene. We then went on to work the case to a successful completion. Marc was motivated, focused, intelligent and tenacious about providing justice and that has not changed.
As a State Trooper I was never perfect, but I did know enough that, when a question arose, the best location for the answer was usually the State’s Attorney’s office, and most times from Marc himself. That too has not changed in all of the time I’ve known the professionals in that office.
My present job has me affiliated with the office and I can tell you that the office is a cohesive unit working hard for Rutland County. Everyone understands the importance of their work and their responsibility to the county residents; it has been overwhelming at times, but there is no quit in any of the current staff.
It would be a perfect world if they could win every case they fight, but that is not the system we have in this country. Every attorney, regardless of what they are fighting for or who they may be up against, will on occasion lose a case. Make no mistake, Marc has over 100 trials and has won a vast majority of them.
What I know is Marc Brierre and his staff have been in the prosecutorial business for many years. They understand the importance of providing Rutland County with experience, loyalty and commitment to work hard on every case possible. Marc and his staff will guarantee you a commitment to hard work and devotion to Rutland County.
Marc also understands that in order to grow and be effective, change needs to take place. He has instituted a new program to address opiate addiction, and is working with community organizations to effect change for the better. He has hired additional attorneys to help with the highest case load per attorney in the state. Change is happening and Rutland is better for it.
Any one that has committed their service to country and community as Marc has deserves my vote and yours too.
Ret. Det. Sgt. Sam Capogrossi, Vermont State Police

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