On October 30, 2014

Anne is the one

Dear Editor,
Let me start by saying Anne Gallivan’s modesty and her penchant for listening instead of talking make her a lousy campaigner. But those qualities, combined with her intellect, honesty, ethics, persuasiveness and her ability to compromise make her an excellent legislator!
What makes her unique is that she has no hidden agenda. She comes from a family where community service is simply expected, and she comes from a school that combined the best education with a constant emphasis on ethics and giving.
Anne Gallivan is not a political “lifer.” She simply wants to serve her constituents to the best of her ability, and to preserve the beauty and ecology while building a sustainable local economy.
Her voting record has been distorted by the Republican opposition which she succinctly responded to in last week’s Mountain Times. I would only add that on House Bill 673, a bill concerning changes to teacher retirement health care funding, she invoked Rule 75, basically recusing herself due to a possible conflict of interest as a retired teacher.
Here’s an example of Anne Gallivan’s contribution to her constituents that few may be aware of: Last year, the house committee on commerce and economic development and the house committee on transportation, of which Anne is a member, jointly took a bus trip to Rutland and Bennington to see some new activity and hear about challenges in each community. Anne Gallivan persuaded them to take a side trip to Killington to hear about developments and challenges there. Such is her power of persuasion and, if reelected, will add to her seniority regarding committee assignments.
Your choice is simple! Reelect Anne Gallivan to a position she approaches as a full-time job, even renting a room in Montpelier when the house is in session.
I’ve met Gallivan’s challenger Job Tate, and he’s an engaging all around nice guy. However, he has not been elected to local office or demonstrated commitment to his community through volunteerism, either of which would enhance his work as a representative. He’s candidacy is also largely funded by religious individuals who are vocal anti-civil unions/same-sex couples. Tate himself publicly subscribes to such religious viewpoints, though he says he has no intent to try to change civil unions or marriages. Still, do you think he will be able to put aside such deeply entrenched religious views to accurately represent the opinions of our communities if such topics arise? Gallivan will assure women a protection of their reproductive rights and work for greater equality of economic opportunity as well. The choice is yours.
Vote for Anne! She cares, she’s experienced, and she listens to her constituents!
Tim Gillingham, N. Chittenden

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