On September 25, 2014

Horoscopes for September 18 – 24, 2014

Cal Garrison (a.k.a Mother of the Skye) writes weekly horoscopes for The Mountain Times. If you would like the horoscopes to be emailed to you weekly, sign up for the newsletter, below.

Horoscopes for September 18 – 24, 2014



March 21 – April 20

The desire to keep your head above water is taking a million different forms. It’s all good. No matter how frantic or crazy things look, there is so much more to this than meets the eye. Your needs for certainty won’t be met any time soon. As far as that goes, you have no way of knowing how things will iron out, and like so many of us, you are at a point where the best you can do is put your money where your mouth is and keep an open mind and an open heart. For the next few weeks do everything in your power to stay true to yourself and be patient with lesser mortals.


April 21 – May 20

There is a sense of relief that has come on the heels of being shaken and stirred by things that you didn’t see coming. After months of not knowing how far you could take this you are finally seeing exactly where you stand, with yourself, with your life, and with the people who inhabit it. For the time being the need to reflect on where you want to go from here will be tested by those who need to keep you in your place, one way or another. Don’t let your attraction to money and things override the sense that nothing will work if things aren’t working from the inside out.


May 21 – June 20

Oh Boy! You are off and running. It’s almost frightening to see how far you can take things when you let out all the stops. God bless anyone who can stretch themselves this far and get away with it. For the next few weeks you’d do well to hunker down and give whatever you’re up to everything you’ve got. You are in cahoots with some smooth operators who know more about money than they do about life. If you have anything in you that wants this to work for reasons that go beyond money and things, call it up before others con you into thinking they’re right.


June 21 – July 20

The other shoe is about to drop and if it hasn’t already hit the floor you’re going to wake up with a bang before the month is out! When one door closes, another one opens. This looks like a case of “here we go again”, or it’s one of those things where you are on your way back to Square One. Wherever that happens to take you will lead you out of a situation that is no longer working for you. Finding your way to the next thing will involve a few twists and turns. Like everything else, just lean into it and feel your way through this with the same instincts that got you this far.


July 21 – August 20

You can get this to work if the desire for wholeness outweighs the need to conform to what is expected of you. This could mean a hundred things, depending on your situation. Underneath it all life is calling you to remain fully aware of the need to be yourself, and allow others to follow your lead. What’s holding you back has a lot to do with the idea that you might lose something or someone if you move forward, and that doesn’t have to be the case. Trust life and know that the universe is here to support everything you do. Keep it simple and remain sincere in your effort.


You’re totally tapped out, wondering how you’re going to pull it together. There is support, or there isn’t; either way, with more than enough on your plate you wish you could find a piece of yourself, somewhere in all of it. At the end of the day it is the simple things that take us home and make it possible for us to live with the bullshit. Most of the time the remedy lives in the plants that need water and the cat on the windowsill. Sometimes all you have to do is light a candle to remind yourself of the spirit that lights up everything in your life from the inside.


September 21 – October 20

Opportunities that came up a few months ago are about to reappear and open the space for you to get out of your rut. Don’t let pride interfere with your choices. This is one of those times when the end will justify the means. As far as your relationships go, you’re learning more about what you really want from people. Something in you has figured out how to fully appreciate the ones who have given so much to your life. Recent experiences have opened your eyes to what counts. You are glad to be here knowing full well that you knew enough to make the right choice.


October 21 – November 20

You can’t assume that just because you’ve been through the mill that you’ve had enough time to assimilate the lesson. If the last six months have taught you anything, by now you know that you could be wrong about all of this. Before you go nuts with the need to pigeonhole an experience that is too big to wrap your mind around, come back down to earth and get real enough to see that you’ve got to give everything more time. Finding ways to level off and remember what it feels like to trust, and/or know for sure that you’re on the right track is where it’s at right now.


November 21 – December 20

The next few weeks will take you far enough out of your element to show you that the future is wide open. I see a wrinkle in your plans that will open up a whole new avenue of possibilities. With everything that you already have on your plate, and a new set of variables to contend with, many of you will be contemplating changes that could include a move before the month is out. The impulse to hit the road is always strong with you guys – and so are your instincts. Any urge to take off for parts unknown should be considered as a sign; don’t hesitate to follow up on it.


December 21 – January 20

You’ve got it all figured out on so many levels but you’re clueless when it comes to certain things. Your weak spots make it easy for lesser mortals to play you like a fiddle. When it comes to that you’ve got a couple of winners whose real intentions are less than clear, and whose agendas have very little to do with whatever you have in mind. You are way too smart to let yourself be manipulated like this. Good luck. Part of me wishes I could spell it out for you, but, no one can see their blind spots until those issues get close enough to bite them on the ass.


January 21 – February 20

The pressure to perform has put a little starch into a routine that was much more relaxing up until now. This is nothing new, but part of you is tired of it. With Saturn T-Boning your Sun, this is what happens. This planet has a hard edge and it does not suffer fools. If you’ve been anything less than impeccable in your affairs you are feeling the weight of this more than those of you who have kept things running on an even keel. Regardless of where you’re at, at this point you know it’s time to suit up and be 100% present and accounted for, whether you like it or not.


February 21 – March 20

The possibilities appear to be endless. At the moment they are, but you have to sift through each one and get real enough to see what works and what doesn’t. This goes for people too. Some of them are just here for the beer. For the next few months you will see more than your share of posers coming around to throw you a line just to see how much they can pull out of you before you snap out of it. You could use a watchdog, someone who cares enough to remind you that everyone who comes down the pike isn’t necessarily worthy of your time, or your trust.

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