On August 20, 2014

“Mankind is an omnivore”

Dear Editor,

I am writing in response to the letter by Mario Vincelette printed in the Aug. 7-13 edition of The Mountain Times. I would suggest that Mr. Vincelette read the book “Vegetarian Myth.”  It is not the meat and dairy products that are polluting our environment, but the government supported meat and dairy industries that have allowed huge “farms” to dump large amounts of waste into our eco-system.

Another book he might read is “This Ain’t Normal, Folks.”  Effective farming of meat and dairy is basic to how our earth has survived for the past few billion years and blaming the practices of the past 100 years is not going to solve anything.  I am currently buying many locally grown products in the South-Central part of Vermont and these farmers are not responsible for the dumping problems indicated by Mr. Vincelette.  Mankind is an omnivore, sir, we just need to go back to the way nature intended us to produce our foods.

Thank you, Dean Alexander

Ludlow, Vt. and Wading River, N.Y.

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