On July 9, 2014

Two Truths and a Lie: Suzie Dundas

1. Seth and Suzie had a profile together on theknot.com, a popular wedding site
2. Was on Nickelodeon’s “Global Guts” and won a piece of the Agro-craig
3. Favorite Movie is Jurassic Park, second favorite is Jurassic Park 2

It is hard to limit this to just two truths and one lie as there may be more misinformation about Suzie Dundas than anyone else in Killington. Stories about Dundas seem to grow and take a life of their own, even if they did start with a kernel of truth, which most of them didn’t.

To begin, let’s just start with the most recent gossip: Suzie is leaving Killington because: a) she broke up with Seth/Mike/Ryan (insert other names as you like) b) she is running away with one of them c) she is pregnant. (There are probably d-z more versions to this. Sometimes she is simultaneously dating men; sometimes women too, sometimes she is engaged-although Suzie would also like to see the diamond ring.)

While most of these are pure rumors, Dundas identifies one kernel of truth: she and Seth actually did make a profile together on theknot.com, but it wasn’t for romantic reasons. “The site required two people to register to get to the next stage,” she said explaining that it was part of her efforts to understand the wedding market so as to better promote Killington as a wedding destination.

Rumors starting from such benign kernels would bother many people, but Dundas just shrugs and laughs them off. “That’s quite a social life! If they only knew my nights are mostly spent watching Netflix alone in my apartment,” she says, adding that her favorite movie is Jurassic Park and her second favorite is Jurassic Park 2.
No, those rumors do not reflect why she is leaving, she says. She has decided to part ways with Killington in search of adventures of a different kind; the city sort. Her last day at the EDT is this Friday, August 31, then she is off to New York City.

In October of 2009, Suzie Dundas moved to Killington and got a job as Communications Coordinator for the Resort. She planned to stay a season or two “playing” in her mid-20’s and then move on to The City, but she got involved. Now, nearly three years later, she has had a hand in Town marketing first as coordinator and most recently as the Director of Economic Development and Tourism.

“It’s been a dream job and very fulfilling in many ways,” she says, adding that there are also frustrations “sometimes I wonder why they pay me at all if they aren’t going to listen… there are limitations to the current structure, I think.”

Moving forward, Dundas has few plans but a lot of hope.

“There are a lot of unknowns right now, for me,” she says. “I don’t know where I’m going to live, or what I will find for work. I don’t even know exactly what I’m looking for, but that’s part of it all. I’m not that worried.”

One thing is certain, Suzie will not have to rely on her cooking skills as there dozens of restaurants to choose from on every block. That’s a relief. Even cereal has nine steps of preparations, according to Dundas. Don’t believe it? She can count them.

If all else fails she can probably find some work saying the alphabet backwards in the subway or modeling (a skill she will have to refresh since quitting the profession at 13 years old.)

One tip: avoid the ultra-liberals, Dundas, last time you hung with that crowd you gave up meat and leather and got pepper sprayed twice by the cops for your “efforts.”

As someone who has been deeply involved with marketing the best this region has to offer over the past few years, what will you miss most?
Fresh muffins from SunUp Bakery. Walking into a restaurant and having the bartender know your drink. The snack mix at Jax. Waking up and looking out on Deer Leap. Riding my bike past mountains, lakes after work. Jenna (the office dog.) Microbrews. Bear Mountain in the spring. Bear sightings. Sitting on the roof and watching shooting stars. My “traffic jam” being baby ducks crossing on River Road. End of season farewell parties at the top of Superstar, sunsets from the top of Pico Mountain. Playing in waterfalls. Peanut Butter cookies from The Market. Weekend trips to Canada. Lobsters.

What are some of the things you are most honored to have worked on for the benefit of Killington?
Hosting the biggest Cooler in The Mountains Shows ever and securing the biggest Long Trail sponsorship. Helping businesses being able to stay open longer and, therefore, provide more jobs because of the traffic to Killington events brought in. Increasing community involvement in events, such as the Hay Festival. The success of the Route 4 Byway designation, including national funding. Communicating Killington’s story during Irene; stories that our community was strong, highlighting local heroes, and helping the media see beyond just the extensive damage that was done.

What are your hopes for Killington and the EDT moving forward?
I hope there is continued tourism and marketing efforts made and more regional partnerships. I hope the EDT becomes properly funded with a dedicated source of funds and is organized so as to be able to develop effective, long term plans. It would be great to see increased representation from all segments of the population in town politics, we could use more diversity in age and experiences. I hope the partnerships between the town and resort continue to grow and that together they are able to maintain Killington’s status as the number one ski destination on the east coast. I hope people put grudges aside for the good of the community.

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