Secretary of Transportation Brian Searles reminds candidates for public office and their supporters of the need to comply with Vermont’s sign control law (10 VSA Chapter 21).
“The Vermont sign law prohibits off-premises signs within the state highway rights-of-way,” he said. “Every campaign season we have candidates and their supporters, many of them unknowingly, placing campaign signs within the state highway right-of-way when they believe they are on private property. Most of the state right-of-way in Vermont is 49.5 feet wide, which extends 24.75 feet on either side of the center line and sometimes it’s wider,” continued Searles.
The Agency of Transportation will remove signs when they are placed within the state highway right-of-way.
In addition to the state sign laws, there may be local sign laws which govern the placement of signs in the local municipal right-of-way. To understand local requirements, candidates should contact their local zoning administrator.
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