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Rewild Vermont project sets goal of 100,000 trees

September 2, 2020
This summer, 350Vermont is launching a project to plant 100,000 trees across Vermont by the end of 2022. Rewild Vermont strives to build on synergies between food justice, climate action and ecological restoration to grow healthier, more just futures for Vermont. “I’m excited about this project because it puts into practice a new approach to…

Vermont Tech to establish state’s first advanced manufacturing, education and development facility in Randolph

September 2, 2020
Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.), vice chair of the Senate appropriations committee, and Vermont Technical College (“Vermont Tech”) President Patricia Moulton Monday, Aug. 31, announced a $7.969 million contract awarded to Vermont Tech from the U.S. Army’s Industrial Base Analysis and Sustainment (IBAS) office as part of its National Imperative for Industrial Skills. The contract, which…

Will wild horses return to the East?

September 2, 2020
In support of the Bureau of Land Management’s mission to sustainably manage wild horses and burros, the agency posted a request for information seeking potential sources in the eastern United States with the interest and ability to provide corral space for excess animals. Depending on the level of interest shown, the agency plans to follow…

Legislature: behind the scenes now reconvened

September 2, 2020
By Rep. Jim Harrison While the first week of the return of the Legislature may have seemed quiet, at least in terms of bills approved by the full Senate or House, virtually all committees were meeting on everything from budget details and Covid-related stimulus funds to legislation left unfinished in June. In the House, two…

State to provide PPE for schools

September 2, 2020
The Vermont Agency of Education, working in close cooperation with the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC), is working to provide personal protective equipment (PPE) and other resources to support Vermont schools as they prepare to reopen this month. These resources include PPE kits for school nurses and school Covid-19 coordinators, hand sanitizer, cloth face coverings,…

Vermont approved for $300/week unemployment payments in federal ‘lost wages’ program

September 2, 2020
Governor Scott requests Legislature to approve $100/week additionally By Ellie French/VTDigger Vermont has received $38.5 million in federal money to provide temporary payments of $300 per week to people collecting unemployment benefits. The new “lost wages” program from the federal government comes after $600-a-week unemployment payments expired. The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)approved Vermont’s application for…

Road construction report for the week of Aug. 31

September 2, 2020
Here is a list of road construction projects happening in Rutland and Windsor counties. Most crews will break at noon on Friday, Sept. 4 and be off Monday, Sept. 7 in observance of the Labor Day holiday. Please remember to drive safely in all work zones. Lives depend on it. Rutland and Windsor Bethel – The bridge on…

Teen interviews David Zuckerman

September 2, 2020
Editor’s note: Leo Pond is a 14 year old political columnist from Chittenden, Vermont.  Leo Pond: What made you decide to run for governor? David Zuckerman: As I was contemplating whether to run or not I was really reflecting on the public service person I’ve been for the last 22 years and that I’ve always…

Unfinished business

August 26, 2020
By Rep. Jim Harrison The Vermont Legislature officially returns for a continuation of its remote sessions on Aug. 25. The No. 1 task will be to adopt a nine-month state budget for the balance of the fiscal year which began on July 1. With so many unknowns this year in terms of needs and expected…

Scott joins the call to restore census deadline

August 26, 2020
Governor Phil Scott has signed onto a bipartisan letter calling on the U.S. Dept. of Commerce and the U.S. Census Bureau to restore the deadline for the 2020 U.S. Census, which has been moved from Oct. 31 to Sept. 30. In addition to Gov. Scott, the letter was signed by the governors of Oregon, Colorado,…

Scott proposes $133 million for economic recovery, including $150 gift cards for every Vermonter

August 26, 2020
By Ellie French/VTDigger A $150 gift card could soon be sent to every household in Vermont, Gov. Phil Scott announced Friday, Aug. 21, as part of an economic recovery package to spend the remainder of the $1.25 billion allotted to Vermont under the federal CARES Act. At his twice-weekly press conference this past Friday, Scott said…

State outlines plans to beef up child care capacity as schools set to reopen

August 26, 2020
73 new facilities coupled with deregulation of in-home providers will add 10,000 openings By Erin Petenko and Lola Duffort/VTDigger Gov. Phil Scott plans to spend about $12 million in federal relief funds to dramatically expand child care capacity for school-aged children, including establishing regional child care hubs for students on remote learning days. The state estimates 10,300 students…

State Police releases 2019 traffic-stop data

August 26, 2020
Racial disparities remain The Vermont State Police  has released traffic-stop data from 2019, marking the fifth consecutive year the agency has published its raw numbers to continue the public discussion on how to address racial disparities in discretionary car stops. Among the key takeaways: The number of searches decreased for motorists in discretionary traffic stops…

Middletown Springs and South Strafford fire departments get nearly $200,000 from FEMA

August 26, 2020
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Friday, Aug. 21, announced $42.4 million in direct assistance grants to 221 fire departments nationwide through the agency’s Assistance to Firefighters Grant (AFG) program. Included among them are Middletown Springs in Rutland County that will get $114,857 and South Strafford in Orange County that will get $79,524, both to purchase…

‘Hard won, not done’: A call to honor suffragists and empower the vote

August 26, 2020
On Wednesday, Aug. 26, Woman’s Equality Day and the Centennial Anniversary of 19th Amendment, members of the Vermont Suffrage Centennial Alliance (VSCA) will join with local citizens throughout the state to commemorate the historic passage of the 19th Amendment guaranteeing women the vote. One hundred years ago, in the final push for suffrage, women picketed in…