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Vermont bear hunters contribute to wildlife science

September 15, 2021
Successful hunters are required to submit bear teeth The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Dept. is reminding successful bear hunters that a regulation requires them to submit a bear tooth so wildlife managers can collect important information on Vermont’s bear population. The hunter must field dress the bear before taking it to a reporting station. It…

Vermont courts stay cautious; Covid emergency runs through October

September 15, 2021
The Vermont court system is not ready to return to business as usual. On Friday, the Vermont Supreme Court extended its order declaring a judicial emergency until Nov. 1, 2021. That means the state’s courts can continue to hold many proceedings remotely, and to limit how many people can be in a courthouse. The order…

Over $13 million awarded for community development

September 15, 2021
Governor Phil Scott joined town officials from across the state on Sept. 2 to announce $13,258,021 in Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) awards that have been made to 25 communities throughout Vermont. The funding, through the Vermont Community Development Program (VCDP), supports a broad range of projects that will accelerate pandemic recovery, build more affordable…

Vermont Foodbank and Hunger Free Vermont continue food insecurity fight

September 15, 2021
USDA Covid-19 study findings show government programs were crucial The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture’s Sept. 8 report indicated that food insecurity in the United States for the year 2020 remained level, as compared to pre-pandemic 2019 numbers. This result proves that with adequate federal and state government support it’s possible to solve hunger in Vermont…

Tracking Covid

September 8, 2021
Staff report The Vermont Dept. of Health (DOH) reported 14 new Covid cases in Rutland County and 11 new cases in Windsor County, on Tuesday, Sept. 7 — in the past 14 days there have been 190 and 170 respectively. These numbers underscore an ongoing surge in virus activity since the Delta variant surfaced early…

Bernie Sanders, at a career apex, faces his biggest political test yet

September 8, 2021
By Kevin O'Connor/VTDigger His sound bites for the common good and against corporate greed haven’t changed. But facing the biggest test of his political career, U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., said the stakes had never been higher. The Vermont Independent toured his home state this Labor Day weekend in support of a $3.5 trillion budget…

Bill McKibben launches ‘Third Act’ to rally older Americans around climate change

September 8, 2021
By Emma Cotton/VTDigger It’s time for Baby Boomers and members of the Silent Generation to organize against climate change, according to veteran environmental activist and writer Bill McKibben. The Ripton resident is known for founding the grassroots environmental organization with a group of Middlebury College students in 2008 and writing one of the first…

Abortion-rights supporters say Vermont constitutional amendment more urgent after Texas ruling

September 8, 2021
By Grace Benninghoff/VTDigger Vermont lawmakers who support abortion rights say it’s more important than ever to enshrine such rights into the Vermont Constitution following a U.S. Supreme Court ruling this week that upheld new restrictions in Texas. Proposal 5, also known as the Reproductive Liberty Amendment, would solidify abortion rights in Vermont’s state constitution. The…

Health department employees urge leaders to issue stronger Covid-19 guidance

September 1, 2021
By Lola Duffort/VTDigger A group of 91 rank-and-file Vermont health department employees have penned a letter to the department’s leaders, begging them to take a firmer stand as the state sees a surge of Covid-19 cases. The letter, delivered to Health Commissioner Mark Levine, State Epidemiologist Patsy Kelso and Deputy Commissioner Kelly Dougherty Thursday morning,…

Schools are already reporting Covid-19 cases, the state isn’t

September 1, 2021
By Erin Petenko and Lola Duffort/VTDigger It isn’t Labor Day yet, but some back-to-school districts are already reporting back-to-school Covid-19 cases.  Four schools — Crossett Brook Middle School in Duxbury, Summit Street School in Essex Junction, Shoreham Elementary School and St. Albans Town Education Center — have announced Covid-19 cases among students or staff. A…

What Tropical Storm Irene can teach Vermont 10 years later

August 25, 2021
By Kevin O’Connor/VTDigger Business and government leader Neale Lunderville was just another Vermonter enjoying an end-of-summer weekend when, strolling his South Burlington neighborhood Sunday, Aug. 28, 2011, he felt a wet blanket of foreboding slap him in the face. “This is more than a little storm,” Lunderville recalls thinking as pelting rain and 60-mph winds whipped…

Vermont Dept. of Labor expects 10,000 Vermonters to lose some or all of their unemployment benefits Sept. 4.

August 25, 2021
By Fred Thys/VTDigger Federal benefits run out on Sept. 4, which means that people collecting unemployment (UI) benefits will no longer receive the extra $300 a week they have been getting. Vermont Labor Commissioner Michael Harrington said in a video interview Friday that about 14,000 Vermonters are collecting UI benefits. Vermonters who have exceeded the…

Pediatricians in Vermont stretched thin

August 25, 2021
Delta cases in children are making it worse By Liora Engel-Smith/VTDigger Laura Derrendinger cared for patients with measles and cholera in war-torn countries, but the scenario that scares her the most is much closer to home. She’s lived the nightmare several times in recent years. Her 5-year-old, Pascal, gets hypoxic (faces inadequate levels of oxygen)…

50,000 Vermonters to receive new driver’s licenses after barcode errors caused travel issues

August 18, 2021
By Ashley DeLeon/VTDigger Almost 50,000 Vermonters are expected to receive new driver’s licenses after several newly printed cards were rejected by federal transportation scanning machines, according to the Vermont Dept. of Motor Vehicles. The error did not impact people’s ability to travel, a DMV official said, but it slowed down the process of passing through Transportation…

VNRC begins Dunklee Pond Dam removal in Rutland

August 11, 2021
RUTLAND — Removal of the Dunklee Pond Dam on Tenney Brook in the City of Rutland is now underway following a three-year design and permitting process, according to a news release from the Vermont Natural Resources Council (VNRC), Aug. 6. The dam is classified as a “Significant Hazard Potential Dam,” meaning there is potential for…