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School taxes: What got us here; how to fix it?
August 28, 2014
By Michelle Monroe There was a lot of information about one of the state’s most vexing issues – education taxes – but no solutions at a gathering of roughly 100 municipal and school officials in South Burlington Thursday, Aug. 14. Rising education costs are closing out other opportunities as education consumes more of the available…
Pittsfield bridge construction
August 20, 2014
Photo by Jerry LeBlond Work continues on the bridge construction just outside the village of Pittsfield. The new bridge is being put back in place where its predecessor was washed out by Tropical Storm Irene in 2011. A temporary bridge was build parallel to the damaged site, to allow traffic to resume.
“Mankind is an omnivore”
August 20, 2014
Dear Editor, I am writing in response to the letter by Mario Vincelette printed in the Aug. 7-13 edition of The Mountain Times. I would suggest that Mr. Vincelette read the book “Vegetarian Myth.” It is not the meat and dairy products that are polluting our environment, but the government supported meat and dairy industries that…
Write-in candidate for Rutland County state senator
August 20, 2014
Dear Editor, My name is Kelly Socia and I am running in the Aug. 26 primary election as a write-in candidate for state senator from Rutland County. I have just retired after 34 years from the United States Postal Service. For the last 8 years I have been building Vermont Backroad Tours. I have developed…
School funding formula conundrum
August 20, 2014
Dear Editor, When I read in the August 18, 2014 Rutland Herald article that the Town of Chester is holding a “tutorial” on how state funding for schools really work. The town manager, David Pisha, said that the education rate is too big to understand so why do anything about it. The resident rate funding…
Why government fails and what to do about it
August 13, 2014
By Lee H. Hamilton As election season approaches, I’ve been pondering a crucial issue about the role of government in our society. It’s that our government often fails — and that we need to address this. There’s ample cause for concern — the VA appointments scandal; the botched launch of the Affordable Care Act; the 28…
Hemp is economically and agriculturally viable
August 13, 2014
By Robin Alberti Hemp has a rich history in our country and is one of the oldest cultivated plants in the world. Hemp can provide a sustainable agricultural system that can heal our farmland and economy. Cultivating this crop can provide desperately needed jobs in agriculture, manufacturing and retail. First, let’s get rid of a…
The tax on sweetened drinks could be a win-win scenario
August 13, 2014
By Angelo S. Lynn Vermont is at it again: angling to be a national leader on yet another public policy issue. This time it’s the effort to reduce consumption of sugar-laden beverages. The angle? Pass a tax on sugar-sweetened beverages. The Legislature, however, isn’t in the driver’s seat. Rather, the Alliance for a Healthier Vermont…
FEMA won’t fund rebuilding of culverts
August 1, 2014
By John Herrick, The Obama administration launched an initiative Wednesday, July 16, aimed at helping local communities better prepare for the impacts of climate change, but one of Vermont’s key recommendations to the president was not included. The state wants to use FEMA public assistance money to help rebuild culverts and bridges so streams…
“Knowledge Is Power:” Education is needed to fight poverty, crime
August 1, 2014
By Morgan W. Brown Several years ago I advocated that courses in the humanities be offered and taught to those within Vermont who might have otherwise gone without the opportunities and benefits of these. For example: people living in poverty; people living homeless; persons incarcerated in jails, prisons or other institutions; people living in the…
Why incumbents keep getting reelected
August 1, 2014
By Lee H. Hamilton It’s no news that Congress is unpopular. In fact, at times it seems like the only real novelty on Capitol Hill would be a jump in its approval rating. So here’s the interesting thing: nearly three-quarters of Americans want to throw out most members of Congress, including their own representative, yet…
Man charged for feeding bears
July 23, 2014
A Montgomery, Vermont, man was charged by the Fish & Wildlife Department for intentionally feeding bears. Jeffrey Messier, 54, of Black Falls Road was charged with feeding bears after Game Warden Sgt. Carl Wedin received a report of a bear being killed in self-defense at a neighboring residence on June 22, 2014. Sgt. Wedin responded and…
What happened to the lottery?
July 23, 2014
Dear Editor, On Friday, June 11, I received an email notice of the awarding of excess millings from the repaving of Killington Road with the following chart. I thought a lottery was supposed to take place if there were not enough millings to go around? A town notice clearly stated: “If we do not have…
The lesson congress should learn from the VA scandal
July 23, 2014
By Lee H. Hamilton Like other federal scandals before it, the mess involving VA hospitals has followed a well-trod path. First comes the revelation of misdoing. Then comes the reaction: a shocked public, an administration on the defensive, and grandstanding members of Congress. Finally, major reform bills get introduced, debated, then put aside when the…
The rest of the story
July 16, 2014
“There they go again.” The Gipper (President Ronald Reagan) said it of Democrats in the 1980s for what he claimed was twisting the truth in congressional battles. The same phrase could be used in Vermont these days as opponents of Gov. Peter Shumlin and his administration produce a continous chorus of negativity about the state’s…