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Local police respond to burglaries, overdose

January 25, 2018
The Killington Police Department responded to 21 incidents between Jan. 13 and Jan. 19. On Jan. 13, officers from the Killington Police: Responded to a a report of a person in the roadway flagging down traffic in the area near Killington Road and Glazebrook. The report was determined to be unfounded. Assisted the Killington First…

Arrests made in home-invasion

January 25, 2018
Police arrested two men they said broke into a home with an accomplice on Saturday night in Mount Holly. On Jan. 21 state police responded to a residence on Old Turnpike Road at approximately 11 p.m. A caller was reporting a home invasion in progress where two men were using weapons to force their way…

Rutland Region News Briefs

January 25, 2018
Town Meeting ballot additions Wonderfeet Kids’ Museum in Rutland has gathered signatures to be put on the ballot in Rutland City with a request for $12,000; in Rutland Town, for $4,500; in Mendon, for $2,500; and in Chittenden, for $2,500, Executive Director Kheya Ganguly told the Rutland Herald. This year is the first time the…

Lakes Region News Briefs

January 25, 2018
You can’t outrun the radio FAIR HAVEN— Andrew J. Sipowicz, 21, of Granville, N.Y., learned he couldn’t outrun the reach of police radios Jan. 15. He fled from an officer who saw a man leave the Granville Cumberland Farms with two packages of beer soon after midnight, confirmed that the beer was stolen, and chased…

Killington bonfire raises funds

January 18, 2018
By Evan Johnson Killington visitors and locals hauled their Christmas trees to Charity’s Tavern and Restaurant on Sunday evening for bonfire and fundraiser. The event was a benefit for the Killington-Pico Rotary club and Vermont Special Olympics, which will hold the 2018 Winter games at Pico Mountain, March 18-20. Special Olympic Vermont Athlete Jack Rasmussen…

Leahy arranges for donation of computers to Vermont classrooms

January 17, 2018
Senator Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) has arranged for a shipment of 25 surplus computers to five Vermont Schools through the U.S. Senate’s Computers for Schools programs.  Overseen by the Senate’s Sergeant At Arms, the program was established to offer surplus computers to classrooms across the country. Leahy worked with Vermont Agency of Education officials to identify…

Osher Winter Lecture Series begins Friday, Jan. 5

January 3, 2018
By Gerrie Russell The Osher Life Long Learning Institute in Rutland exists to promote continuing education for area residents age 50 and older. It operates under the auspices of the University of Vermont and is run by a volunteer board of directors comprised of local people who work year round to provide topics of interest.…

Rutland Region News Briefs

January 3, 2018
Lender shoots self in foot CLARENDON—Mortgage lender Provident Funding Associates is trying to foreclose on the house at 266 Creek Rd., Clarendon. The action is the fourth time Provident has attempted to foreclose on what the real estate website Zillow describes as a 3,750-square-foot, three-bedroom, three-bath single-family home on 30 acres with a heated pool,…

Killington Students Have Opportunity for New Scholarship

January 3, 2018
Killington, VT- An opportunity has opened for Killington students who are attending or will be enrolling in an accredited two or four-year college and who have a minimum 3.0 GPA. A-1 Auto Transport, Inc., a car shipping company based in California who delivers vehicles to and from the Killington area of Vermont announced this week…

Lakes Region News Briefs

January 3, 2018
County farmers adapt with the times WELLS—The Larson Farm in Wells has changed from a large commercial dairy farm with 150 Holstein cows in 1993 to a smaller organic farm with 20 head of Jersey cows, some heifers, and 20 Devon beef cattle. Twelve years ago, Rich and Cynthia Larson began selling raw milk at…

Vermont farm aid organizations receive USDA grant

January 3, 2018
The Vermont Housing & Conservation Board (VHCB), Vermont Land Trust and the Intervale Center received a three-year, $546,000 grant from the USDA’s Beginning Farmer and Rancher Development Program to help Vermont’s next generation of agricultural entrepreneurs access land and grow viable businesses. VHCB’s Viability Program provides planning services for established farm, food and forestry sector…

Manure spreading ban in effect, Dec. 15 – April 1

December 28, 2017
The Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets would like to remind all state farm operations that the 23rd annual winter manure spreading ban is underway.   As required by the Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food & Markets’ (VAAFM) Required Agricultural Practices (RAPs), between December 15 and April 1, no manure or other agricultural wastes (including: compost and…

Health trust makes grants

December 21, 2017
The Bowse Health Trust Committee is pleased to announce that it has approved funding for three new programs. The projects will receive up to three years of funding starting in 2018. In twenty years the Bowse Health Trust has funded a total of 60 programs, which target residents of all ages in a variety of Rutland County…

Police Briefs

December 21, 2017
Killington Police busy with traffic, alarm activations According to the media log from the Killington Police, officers responded to a total of 26 calls between Dec. 2 and 8. On Dec. 2, police completed three traffic stops in the areas of Bigelow Drive and Anthony Way. Police also responded to a welfare request on Brad…

Fish and Wildlife offer ice safety tips

December 21, 2017
The recent arrival of cold temperature has formed early-season ice on Vermont ponds, lakes and rivers. The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department reminds winter enthusiasts that ice should never be considered safe and ice conditions vary. “We are urging all outdoor enthusiasts – people going ice fishing, cross-country skiers, hikers, and snowmobilers -- to be extremely…