On February 15, 2017

Join birders for monthly walk

Saturday, Feb. 18, 8 a.m.—WEST RUTLAND—Rutland County Audubon Society will hold a monthly bird monitoring walk Saturday, Feb. 18. Meet in the West Rutland Price Chopper parking lot at 8 a.m. to travel to the West Rutland Marsh. To date, 151 species from Least Bittern to Northern Shrike have been recorded at this Important Bird Area (IBA). Join for the 3.7 mile loop around the marsh (dirt and paved roads) or go halfway. New birders, children and non-members welcome. Dress for the weather. A few binoculars are available, or bring your own. Meet and learn from some friendly bird experts and learn why birding is such fun (and important to wildlife conservation science). Join for brunch at Mary’s Café afterward.
For more info, contact birding@rutlandcountyaudubon.org.


Photo courtesy of Irene Goebel
The West Rutland Marsh is considered an Important Bird Area, having at least 151 species identified in its location.

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