Weekly Horoscope

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March 21 – April 19
You’re generally not one to go along to get along. So why have you been trying to do that? Maybe it’s working, maybe it’s not. Regardless, you need to consider what your actual motivations are for doing so. Maybe they aren’t as balanced or diplomatic as they appear. Do be cautious of the choices you make now. Your intention is everything. Be clean and clear with it. Choices made now will reverberate in to your future for some time yet.


April 20 – May 20
You’ve been doing more than your fair share when it comes to keeping the lights on. This week, ask yourself for how much longer can you continue to be doing what you’re doing? Some tough choices may need to be made. However, if you can be honest and upfront about them, you and everyone else will be better off for it. You don’t have to be the only person carrying the load now. Other’s can pull their weight, too.r restorative influence.


May 21 – June 20
You’ve been having so much fun in recent weeks and it’s only going to get better. If you’ve been devoting your time, energy and effort to a romantic situation, a creative hobby or outlet or even a child in your life, then things are only going to go to the next level. As they do, you may discover that what once filled your heart with joy doesn’t have the same effect anymore. This is making room for better things to come.


June 21 – July 22
If you’re feeling irritated or crabby, it might be worth your while doing your best not to express that too much. Instead, you’re better off taking responsibility for your own emotions and reactions. While other people may be pushing your buttons, it’s you that chooses the reaction. Do yourself a favor and blow off steam that doesn’t further upset the apple cart. Spend more time exercising or doing something that’s just for you. You’ll thank yourself later if you start now.


July 23 – August 22
When you’re clean and clear, life is actually quite simple. This week, you’d benefit from a social media detox or removing yourself from whatever doesn’t move you toward your highest purpose. In an age of distraction, it’s easy to see opportunities where there really may not be one. Know thyself is the key to everything now. The more you can figure out your own mind, the better off you will be. Time with family or at home may also be a grounding or restorative influence.


August 23 – September 22
Your planet, Mercury, is on the move this week. As it shifts in your money zone, you’re going to have to take a good look at your finances. Do you need to spend less? Do you need to earn more? Maybe it’s a combination of both you need. Regardless, you do have to see what is going on, one way or another. The only way to improve your situation and boost your confidence and abundance is to know your numbers and rebalance your budget.


September 23 – October 22
You’ve been changing a lot and chances are, there have been some people who haven’t appreciated this much. You see, you’re usually the one who goes along to get along and doesn’t rock the boat too much. You’ve been saying no more than is normal for you. Good for you! This is a sign of growth and maturity. It’s OK if other people rise up to meet you on occasion rather than it being the other way around all the time.


October 23 – November 21
Your magnetic powers of attraction will receive a cosmic boost this week. If you’ve noticed a bright star in the evening sky, that’s Venus. This week, she moves into your sign as she does each year. As they say, it’s time to wish upon a star. That said, do be careful what you wish for because you’ll likely get it. It may be wise to really reflect or meditate on what you need and want first. Anything is possible for you now.


November 22 – December 21
Life probably feels like a box of chocolates to you right now. With so many options, it can be hard to choose. However, it’s important that you don’t confuse opportunities with distractions – and there are also plenty of those on offer now. What you really need to do this week is to take some time out for yourself and clear your mind. Breathe in some fresh air, shake of the noise and reconnect with your inner most desires. Shut out the noise.


December 22 – January 19
The worst thing you can do is to hold on to a mistake just because you spent a long time making it. Not that I’m saying your current career, job or life direction is a mistake, it’s not. It may be time for you to consider other options and get honest about whether you’re actually happy or not. You’re always going to find a summit to climb. You just want to be sure that it’s one worth the time and effort.


January 20 – February 18
A charming approach could be just what you need this week. Do be careful though, not everyone is going to be responsive to your smooth operations. More often than not, it’s better to be honest than impressive. In business, this is about under promising and over delivering. You do really need to be careful about how much you can do or offer now. Less is more. You need to avoid taking on more than you can handle.


February 19 – March 20
Are you feeling a tad overstretched financially? Maybe you’ve bitten off more than you can chew in terms of your debts or expenditure. If you’re lucky, you may be thrilled to discover that you’re closer to paying off debt sooner than you thought. In either scenario, you can start to look at your numbers and workout a plan of action. You can’t really make any longer term decisions until you do so. Do plan for a rainy day.

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