March 21 – April 19
You’ve spent a long time attempting to reach a point in life you’ve considered the pinnacle. Now that you’re almost at the top of the mountain do you even like the view? Maybe you’ve already set your sights on the next mountain you wish to climb and lost focus. Something even worse is possible, perhaps you’re filled with regret because you never took the first step. Regardless of where you’re at, it’s not too late but it’s going to take a hell of a lot of work. Your only challenge is to remain focused. You can do it.
April 20 – May 20
Don’t hold onto a mistake just because you spent a long time making it. For some time now, you’ve been learning the art of change especially when it comes to being authentic. So if you’ve been feeling stuck in something, then unstick yourself! Consider a holiday, an adventure or do something that opens your mind to a different world view. Review your bucket list. The world is your oyster now in more ways than one, so go and experience it. If need be, ask for forgiveness rather than permission.
May 21 – June 20
What would it take for you to feel secure in the world? Is it money? Being debt free? Owning your own home? At a deeper level, is the security you seek more of an inside job? We all have skeletons in the closet we try and hide but they are still there. Over the next several weeks, you have a rare chance to do one last final clean up in the area of life you prefer to avoid. When you open that proverbial closet, chances are it’s not as dark or as scary as you think it is.
June 21 – July 22
It’s important to remember as you enter this week and this month that relationships have their own kind of cycle. Like two sets of train tracks, they come close together and then they veer out again. Someone special in your life may feel like this. It doesn’t have to be a massive drama when you understand you may be entering a cycle where things feel shaky again. Rather than be reactive, be proactive. Confidently ask for what you want and need. That is the only way you’ll know whether you’ll get it.
July 23 – August 22
There are times when it doesn’t matter how much work you do, your efforts go without thanks. Sure, there are labors of love in life and then there are other labors where you feel like little more than a slave. A living hell for any Leo to be sure! Are you OK with this? While you may have to put your nose back to the grindstone for the next couple of months, it will be the last time you’ll have to. Just be sure the stone you choose now is worth grinding on.
August 23 – September 22
It can be really difficult to say what you do for fun. It’s easy when you’re 10, but when you’re grown, it may be a case of remembering what fun even is. Over the next couple of months the Cosmos gives you a rare opportunity to rediscover what true joy means to you. Whether it’s indulging in a hobby, sport or recreation, finding more love and romance in your life or something to do with children, your life is set to become transformed. Everything you ever wanted is back within reach, so grab it.
September 23 – October 22
If your domestic life isn’t what you wanted it to be, then you have an opportunity to drastically change it. Maybe it’s your location or the quality of relationships with your family or housemates, but one way or another you do have to take control of things. You’ve been working so diligently to let go of some of your ingrained habits, but when it comes to family, those aren’t so easy to shift. The only way you can fully transform your situation is, one way or another, to take your power back.
October 23 – November 21
You do hold the right to change your mind about things. The thing is, you don’t change your mind very easily. However, being open to a changed perspective is required. Whatever it is that you’ve been curious about or have needed to improve in terms of communication with others, then you need to double down on that. You can choose to double down on an issue or you can choose to change. If you choose to go for the jugular on something, just make sure it’s worth it or just leave things be.
November 22 – December 21
You do hold the right to change your mind about things. The thing is, you don’t change your mind very easily. However, being open to a changed perspective is required. Whatever it is that you’ve been curious about or have needed to improve in terms of communication with others, then you need to double down on that. You can choose to double down on an issue or you can choose to change. If you choose to go for the jugular on something, just make sure it’s worth it or just leave things be.
December 22 – January 19
Life may provide a series of tests and challenges over the next little while that you’re unlikely to enjoy very much. That said, life isn’t meant to get easier. You are meant to get stronger. The good news is, you’re now stronger than you’ve ever been. With this new found strength, you now have to do something you’ve never done. It may be scary and it should be. If it isn’t then aim higher for yourself. All you’ve ever wanted is finally within reach. Reach out and take it.
January 20 – February 18
You can breathe a sigh of relief that some of the pressure you’ve been under has finally lifted. Don’t get too confident or complacent though as this break is temporary. You can make the most of this breathing room to do exactly that—breathe. Rest, relaxation and even a little bit of mediation would help you a lot now. The more you pay attention to your inner voice, the better the decisions and choices you’ll make when the pressure returns – and it most definitely will. Don’t be complacent, be proactive and positive.
February 19 – March 20
An old issue with a group, a community you’re involved with or a friend could resurface. Just when you thought a tricky situation was done and dusted, you’re having to reopen old wounds or old feelings. You’ve been learning a lot lately about personal boundaries and committing to what is right for you. That said, it’s ultimately up to you how much of other people's stuff you want to take on or not. The next few months will reveal one way or another who your true friends really are.