Weekly Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope—Aug. 7-13, 2024

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March 21 – April 19
How much more can you possibly put on your plate right now? Sure, you are one to get a thrill from a crazy pace but is it sustainable? This week, do take a look at your schedule and do your best to refine it. Are there obligations you could decide you no longer need to be obliged to? Also, it wouldn’t hurt to take a good look at your health and exercise routines too. Burning the candle at both ends isn’t recommended now.


April 20 – May 20
Do you ever do something and enjoy it so much that you begin to wonder why has it been so long since the last time you did it? Maybe it’s listening to music you enjoy. Perhaps it’s partaking in a hobby, pastime or passion. Whatever it is, ask yourself why is it that it’s only a special occasion type of occurrence? Life is too short to not savor the sweet moments and make them more of a regular event. Do more of what you love and with whom.


May 21 – June 20
This week provides you with the opportunity to really rethink some of your priorities. As Mercury, your ruler, begins a retrograde phase in your Home Zone, the time is now to plan and prepare for things on the home front. It could have something to do with your living situation and/ or familial relationships. Would upgrading your living space or your neighborhood be an option for you now? Whatever domestic changes you’ve been thinking about, now is the time to plan for them.


June 21 – July 22
It’s time to really start thinking about your money. A New Moon just happened in your Cash Zone which is your annual refresh regarding all things cash and confidence. So, ask yourself, what are your goals? What do you want to achieve? Once you answer those questions you then need to figure out what is it in your mindset that you need to change to close the gap between where you are and where you want to be. Set some goals and achieve them!


July 23 – August 22
You really can have it all if you want to have it. You’ve just had a New Moon in your sign. This is wonderful for resetting personal goals as well as an infusion of new energy. Now that the slate has been wiped clean, a new cycle can begin. You may need to take a little time to figure out what this might look like for you. A little bit of personal introspection will help a lot before you set off in the direction of your goals.


August 23 – September 22
The phrase, “there is always room for improvement” was probably coined by a Virgo! This week, you’ll get the chance for a little bit of self-improvement as your ruler, Mercury, retrogrades in your sign. It’s one thing to think you know what you want from a rational perspective. Then there are other things that the heart wants, which may make no sense. This week, you’ll have an opportunity to get in touch with both your head and your heart.


September 23 – October 22
You may find that you are in a bit of a hibernation cycle right now as Venus tours your most Private Zone. This can be a frustrating cycle as you may be wondering if all the changes you’ve been making are even working. Sometimes, the longer you spend drawing back your bow, the more likely you’ll be to hit your target. Like a baseball pitcher, it’s all about line and length. Keep practicing and keep doing what you’re doing and you’ll hit the target soon enough.


October 23 – November 21
Some wonderful new opportunities for advancement and recognition in your professional life are now on the table. There is a catch though. You may need to be a little cautious when it comes to your friends and/or colleagues. Words spoken or plans made may sound good in theory, but only time will tell if they will bear fruit. So do avoid making any sudden plans or changes in direction for now. Unleash your detective powers before making any choices.


November 22 – December 21
You may be having second thoughts about your professional life or the overall direction your life is heading in. This doesn’t have to be as drastic as you think. But, it’s always a good idea to reflect on things and align your actions with your goals. Are you doing with your life what you want to be doing? At the least, are you trending in the right direction? By all means, remain open to new opportunities, just know what you want first.


December 22 – January 19
You’re in a brief phase all about money for the next few weeks. While it may literally be what you own, earn and owe that occupies your thoughts, there is another aspect to this too. What you believe inherently that you deserve and are worthy of. A little bit of soul searching now will set you up for success in the next few months. Know your numbers and know your worth – financially and emotionally, and you could be quite unstoppable.


January 20 – February 18
It’s one thing to forgive but forgetting is never quite so easy. When you decide to wipe the slate clean, if you’ve done that recently, then that’s what you have to do. Soon, the temptation to rehash old issues may lead you back into old habits in a key relationship. You do have to accept that a relationship has its own cycles and there are things that can never truly be healed. It might be helpful for you to forgive and choose to move forward.


February 19 – March 20
Be patient with yourself as you begin to understand that your relationship may go through a bit of a tricky patch. Are you facing differing desires or is it just a case of miscommunication making things feel complicated? For the most part, you tend to be optimistic, but right now, you really do need to be realistic. Whatever problems do or don’t arise, it’s up to you to be mature and vocal about where you stand. Being ambivalent won’t be a pathway towards solutions.