Weekly Horoscope


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March 21 – April 19
Why are you trying so hard to be accommodating? Why are you contemplating choices you said weren’t an option for you? Why are you going against your own desires? While it’s understandable that you’re thinking anything has got to be better than this – is it though? You may be lured by exotic locations and new realities, but if you’re feeling you need terra firma and familiar territory, that’s that’s probably what you should to trust in now.


April 20 – May 20
Everyone has their own version of the white elephant in their life. This week, you need to address yours. Is it your fears, phobias or negative self talk? Maybe it’s the financial situation you’re in that you’re burying your head in the sand about. Whatever it is, you do need to do what you have to do get inspired. Staying put, stuck or stagnant isn’t going to get the results you want. Dare to change your mind.


May 21 – June 20
Luck be a lady," as the song goes. This week, you may discover your luck changes through the company you keep. It may be a relationship, a friend, a colleague or even your online followers. Somehow, some way, you really can look forward to things shifting direction. Someone has wisdom they want to impart to you. Do take on board their sage advice. Good things can happen if you choose to allow it.


June 21 – July 22
You’ve been tasked with having to make some major choices in life right now. What you once wanted may no longer excite you. It’s OK to change your mind, in fact, it’s generally recommended. What you need to understand now that the Universe is going to show you new opportunities you couldn’t have even conceived. If you’ve been pushing for something new, different and exciting, now is the time to embrace it.


July 23 – August 22
You’ve been exploring new possibilities for some time. However, the chance to explore these aren’t going to last forever. Life, right now, does have a now or never feel to it. You could grapple with the pros and cons ... whys ... why nots. You could wait for the perfect moment, for when it feels right. Maybe that feeling will never arrive. Sometimes life is about making a choice and not waiting for a feeling.


August 23 – September 22
A little tweak here and there can be all it takes to make a difference. However, you may need to ask yourself have you been doing too much tweaking already? Sometimes you really do just need to give in and decide. It may be a choice about your living situation or your finances. Regardless, there is no time like the present to go for what you know already, deep down, you have to do.


September 23 – October 22
You could be presented a chance this week to do what you promised yourself you wouldn’t do. The question is, are you breaking a promise or have you decided that an opportunity is worth making an exception for? You see, it really is all about the point of view you tackle the issue from. Consider things from the big picture, don’t sweat the details on this. The risk may be well worth the reward – in more ways than one.


October 23 – November 21
Sometimes you just have to dig deep and give it all you have. Usually, this happens at times when you least want to as well. You may become privy that your finances do need improving right now. That said, it won’t take much, just a little bit of extra work here and there will yield results. Just get out of your own head about any self limiting ideas you may be harboring.


November 22 – December 21
Life looks set to really get taken up a notch when it comes to relationships of all kinds. It matters not what your current status is in the love department, because it looks set to improve. While things may not change overnight, your attitude will be the secret ingredient that will make everything better. Change your perspective on things and you can really change your life right now. You deserve the best. Expect no less.


December 22 – January 19
Putting your relationship and family first may be the most important thing now. If you’re single and fancy free in that department, then consider what you may need to prioritize to change that. If you’re wondering what the point is in working the way you do, it may be high time you shift the reason why you actually are. If your job could replace you next week, are you more invested in than you need to be?


January 20 – February 18
One way or another, you’re going to learn to change your mind. That’s not me saying that, it’s just the message from the stars. So, if you can begin to practice, at the minimum, adjusting your points of view, asking questions and exploring alternative perspectives, you’ll be better off. Also, you’re going to learn that it’s better to bend than it is to break. Better off to learn to do so sooner rather than later.


February 19 – March 20
Brace yourself for a shift in your fortune. The toil, the work and all the effort are paying off. As it is does, you may also need to shift your perspective. The pressure you’re under won’t last forever, but it will last a while. That said, every now and then, the Cosmos does remind you that your family and domestic life are also important. It’s probably the reason you’ve taken on so much of an extra load in recent times.

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