Weekly Horoscope

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March 21 – April 19
This week, ask yourself whether the juice is worth the squeeze. In other words, you need to choose your battles because it’s likely you’ve got too many and it’s affecting your relationship. That said, sometimes a relationship actually needs affecting. However, if there is more drama in your life at the moment that is good for you or for your certain someone, then you do need to let go of some battles. Be wise.


April 20 – May 20
You might reach that fork in the road this week where you decide you either can or you can’t. It’s one thing to work hard for a purpose or an outcome, but it’s quite the other to work for the sake of working. If you feel you can do better, then that is what you have to do. Balance is required between playing nice and going straight for the jugular. It’s not an easy balance to strike. Be chill and avoid pushing buttons.


May 21 – June 20
It’s a good thing you are one who can stick to the facts. Right now, you’re implicated in an issue that involves a child or a romantic issue. While there may be aggravated feelings involved, don’t let lies or slander impact on the right choices you need to make. Sometimes we don’t choose battles but the battles choose us. Fight for what’s right. Stay factual. You have the moral high ground in this situation.


June 21 – July 22
Your apple cart is likely to be upset this week, especially on the home front. You may do your best to engage in conversations and attempt to reach a compromise. Don’t. Just sit this one out. The battles you’re fighting right now are actually within yourself, not with others. If you feel you’re getting hot under the collar about something or someone, then know that is something within yourself you need to deal with. Do not start what you cannot finish.


July 23 – August 22
Sometimes all it takes to really change a situation is to just decide to change your mind. When you choose to be, you can be quite stubborn. However, you really do need to ask yourself whether that is worth it or not. There is truth on your side and on their side. More often than not, it’s the middle ground where the truth actually lies. This week, it’s up to you to try and find that place in the middle.


August 23 – September 22
Whatever you are currently invested in — financially or emotionally, ask yourself whether it’s paying off, or not. You see, it may take some time to actually reach a dividend of some description but you may need to strike a balance right now. Someone or something may be asking more from you now than you’re in a position to give. Be cautious your helpful nature doesn’t get taken advantage of. There is no need to rush in just because someone else wants you to.


September 23 – October 22
It’s often darkest before dawn. The hours also feel the longest. Your mission this week is to go the distance. Even if the road is long and dark, you must traverse it. You must go where others fear, even where you’ve feared. Success, achievement and all that you’ve ever wanted it exactly on the other side of where you are now. You’ve closed the gap a fair bit in recent months, but you’re not done yet. Dig deeper. Keep going. You’re almost there.


October 23 – November 21
Pretty much the only thing that holds you back now is your own state of mind. You might be surprised to hear this, but you also know it’s true. It’s the messages you see and hear but write them off as co-incidences. It’s the intuition you push down because you don’t always like what it tells you. You really do need to be paying attention to your inner voice right now. It’s way more helpful to you than crowd sourcing opinions from strangers on the internet.


November 22 – December 21
It’s important that you keep your cards close to your chest this week. Those who talk to you will talk about you so do remember that loose lips can sink ships. I’ve thrown a bunch of phrases at you there, so I hope you do get the picture. Big stuff is happening for you right now, but you do need to be cautious of what you tell to whom. Generally speaking, a good rule of thumb is to keep quite until it’s done. Be wary of the evil eye.


December 22 – January 19
As you stand upon the mountain top, do you like the view? Perhaps you’re filled with regret because you didn’t even take the first step to reach the summit. Regardless, of your current position, you do need to think differently about it. Your career, your reputation or what your next summit will be depends on the events of this week. Strategy is everything. Don’t let frustration of feelings sabotage your efforts thus far nor the results that are possible for you.


January 20 – February 18
Life tends to improve for you dependent on your willingness to compromise, or not. You see, your world is about to change in large scale and dramatic ways. Whether you think this is a bad thing, an exciting thing — then you are right! Whatever your current perspective is on life, chances are, it needs an adjustment. Do remember in every war, you have to lose a battle or two along the way. This is part of the art of compromise. Stop being so stubborn!


February 19 – March 20
When you peel back the layers of tea and niceties, you get the chance to see what things are all about. Sometimes you can be oblivious to the motivations of other’s as well as your own. Right now, you can continue playing nice but then you have to ask yourself what is the cost of that — both financially and emotionally. This may not be easy for you, but you may need to consider that it is time to take the gloves off!

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