Weekly Horoscope

Cosmic Catalogue Listings Jan. 8-14

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March 21 – April 19
There comes a time where, one way or another, you have to accept your domestic life – past or present, for exactly what it is. It’s not always easy, but that is the only way you can change it. If you’re stuck in a loop wondering why X, Y, or Z is or isn’t happening, change that "why" to "what." Some questions can never be answered, but that doesn’t have to stop you from taking the action you need to.


April 20 – May 20
In order to change your course of action, you do need to change your mind. This is the tricky part for you. Your challenge now is not to dread the change but to embrace it. When you change how you feel about something, you can change the outcome. Sometimes, it’s really that simple to embrace a shift of feeling that will eventually lead to everything being very, very different. At best, you could at least embrace things from a “why not” perspective.


May 21 – June 20
Your self-confidence could take a hit as Mars moves in reverse through Cancer. Do what you need to push through any blocks, emotions, or attachments to past experiences that have made you think you’re not good or worthy enough. If you find yourself reacting or retreating to a situation that presses your buttons, see that as an opportunity to choose a different response and take affirmative action. Start building your confidence and cash flow now. Work done now will repay you threefold.


June 21 – July 22
Everyone gets to a point in life where the coping mechanisms that got you thus far will no longer get you where you want to go. If you feel blocked, stuck, or agitated, then that is the point! What you need to do is notice what comes up for you, and rather than choose your default response, choose another. This is an opportunity for you to heal and understand yourself better. Once you do this, amazing blessings will eventually arrive.


July 23 – August 22
While the direct pressure you’ve been experiencing may have receded somewhat, be aware that old ghosts from the past may reappear. Old feelings, emotions, or experiences you still cling to – consciously or not, may come into the forefront of your mind. Avoid the temptation to renumerate on this. Instead, let go of all of it. Make peace with it. Move on. Make room for more joyous, happy, and meaningful memories by embracing what’s possible without the past tainting your future.


August 23 – September 22
You may start noticing that your shifting personal priorities – as well as your energy, may change your attitude towards some people. It could be your professional colleagues, those within your social circles, a group or community online, or in real life. You might not be in the mood to tolerate anyone who is too high maintenance. Start to notice if you don’t think certain people will be a part of your future. Someone from the past may also reappear.


September 23 – October 22
You may notice that your personal energy and focus return after a personal 18-month cycle of cleansing and renewing. Now, it’s your career or your overall life direction that needs your attention. Where would you like to be in another 18 months’ time? Start formulating the plan and take action on it. Face the fears that prevent you from having everything in life you ever wanted – personal, professional, or otherwise. Just avoid letting your feelings dictate your actions.


October 23 – November 21
It’s not enough to just go through the motions in life. While it can be done, it lacks meaning and purpose. If you feel as though you’ve been stuck in a rut, then you will benefit from asking yourself a deep and profound question, “What do I want?” It seems simple in theory, and you may know the answer. The tricky part comes when you say you want one thing, but your actions or beliefs say otherwise. Do what you need to do in order to fix that. 


November 22 – December 21
In order to move forward in life, sometimes it is necessary to look back. This isn’t what you want to be doing right now, I’m sure. However, to fully receive the blessings heading your way, you’ll benefit from understanding the motivations and emotions that led you to the place you currently are. When you do that, you can fully free yourself from the past and embrace a bright and prosperous future. While you’re peering at the past, don’t get stuck there. 


December 22 – January 19
Relationships of all kinds will feel like a battleground for the next little while. Other people, in general, in your professional and personal life, could all be projecting their problems or issues onto you. Maybe you need to do some personal reflection about your attitudes in relationships as well. Whatever is going on, do embrace your cool, calm, and collected nature. The best thing you can do now is release your need to control.


January 20 – February 18
If you have a goal related to abundance that you’d like to achieve, then you will have to work for it! I didn’t say work harder, though! In fact, you may have to work less. Do think about all the tasks that chew up valuable time but may be of little benefit to the big picture. Can you delegate or delete those? Prosperity may also mean focusing on your fitness and health goals. Time is a precious commodity; spend it wisely.


February 19 – March 20
It’s time for you to really up the ante in terms of your personal wants, desires, and ambitions. Do spend some time figuring out what your top priorities are and build your attention, energy, and focus from there. Fun, romance, and frivolity may need to go on the back burner for just a little while until you’ve got all your ducks in a row. At the least, don’t waste your energy on those not respecting your goals or personal boundaries.