March 21 – April 19
Even though you might want to avoid it, given the current circumstances of your ruler being retrograde, you do need to face a few issues. If you’re long overdue for an honest conversation with a friend or someone within a group or community you’re involved with; this week is the time to have it. Don’t sweep matters under the rug. In fact, you might be surprised by just how well things go if you just have a good old heart-to-heart with someone.
April 20 – May 20
It’s one thing to be working hard and doing all the right things in life regarding your career or the overall direction you’re steering your life. This week, you may need to ask yourself if it’s even what you really want. If you’re changing your mind about something, then you need to admit that. This doesn’t mean you’re flaky or not reliable. It means that you’re honoring within yourself what it is you truly value and acting accordingly.
May 21 – June 20
The making of a potent decision is possible this week. Consider how your worldview has slowly shifted over the past couple of years. It could be about study, travel, or a question of faith. As Mercury, your patron planet, connects with Pluto, it might be time to take the plunge into something you’ve been exploring for some time. Even if you’re a little afraid, the antidote to that is an unshakable belief in yourself. Go for it!
June 21 – July 22
If life takes on a “this old chestnut” vibe to it this week, don’t despair. Patterns repeat until they are learned, and the Cosmos shows you there are still a few weak spots that require shedding. Do see this as an opportunity rather than an obstacle. Challenges tend to arrive just before the breakthrough happens. Also, you’re never given a situation you can’t handle. Face your fears and develop your self-confidence. Trust that the blessings you want will arrive.
July 23 – August 22
A conversation is all it takes to clear up any confusion or uncertainty in a key relationship. Too often, we gloss over the nitty-gritty to try and keep the light at its brightest. However, peering into the dark, revealing confessions, and being honest, while daunting, can actually draw you closer together. What you’ve been fearing the most could turn out to be your biggest blessing. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Share your most intimate thoughts.
August 23 – September 22
Is what you’re currently doing what you really want to be doing? Some important decisions may need to be made this week, especially if you’re growing tired of the same thing, same result. That is the definition of insanity, and you’re far from insane. Instead, recognize what isn’t working and make the appropriate adjustments. You’ll be surprised that the very thing you’ve been avoiding is the breakthrough you need. Face this reality, and the results you’re after will come to you much more easily.
September 23 – October 22
If you’re not quite satisfied with the joy and happiness you’re experiencing, choose to change it. This may entail taking action and doing something differently. It could also be a mindset that needs to shift. In fact, the broader the horizons you can explore in your mind the more likely your perspectives can shift. It seems really simple: change your thoughts and your life. Be a magnet for the energy you want to receive.
October 23 – November 21
A change in direction within a key relationship is possible this week. This shift hasn’t been overnight; it’s been ongoing for several years. You need to figure out what you really want in a relationship. If somebody is kicking your tires, it might be time to kick them to the curb. If you’re not sure what you even want, then do put your hand on your heart. Chances are, you know deep down you need more. Be honest, if nothing else.
November 22 – December 21
It’s amazing how fast life can change when you decide to change. The seemingly insignificant act of making a few small adjustments in your daily routine can be all it takes to bring back a new lease on life. The choice to do something different. The choice to change. The choice to keep the faith, no matter what happens, is a choice that will always serve you well. This week, do lean into those who have got your back.
December 22 – January 19
Financial moves are possible this week as money planet Mercury bumps into wealth planet Pluto, in your Money Zone, no less! So, do be sure to think deeply about your next money move. Do your due diligence. Research and investigate what needs to be researched and investigated. Once you’ve established the facts of the matter, the next step is to trust your intuition. If something feels off, trust that. If it feels like the right move, then make it.
January 20 – February 18
An important personal choice can be made this week. Life has taken on a much more somber tone for you in recent months. Reason being, life is changing in unique and profound ways for you. When there are changes, there are choices. Some of these are easy, while others take some time to finally figure out. Do keep in mind that the decision you’ve been avoiding is the one you really need to make. Sometimes, you just need to get out of your own way!
February 19 – March 20
If you feel as though you’ve been stuck in a rut and doing little more than working hard, then you need to change that. While the reality is, there may be little that you can change. However, if you can make a few small choices in your everyday habits that feel right for you, it may be all it takes. If you need to get a sense of self back, then do it. Little habits that liberate you momentarily from the daily grind will restore you.