On March 1, 2017

Christine Holzschuh gives color theory workshop at Chaffee Art Center

Saturday, March 4, 9 a.m.—RUTLAND—Dive into the complex and illuminating world of color theory with artist Christine Holzschuh in a workshop at Chafee Art Center, Saturday, March 4, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Gain knowledge on how to choose, mix and match, and use colors. This is an intensive but fun workshop for anyone interested in colors.

Participants should bring paints and brushes, plus a notebook for notes and brainstorming. Other supplies are provided in the cost of $140 or $125 for Chaffee members.

Said Holzschuh of her passion for her work, “I have always wanted to paint and was fortunate enough to have a mother who was and is a masterful artist who brought the world to me in living color, taught me how to ‘see’ and always encouraged me. I am dedicated to painting every day and improving through workshops with the above artists and others.”

Chaffee Art Center is located at 16 South Main St., Rutland. Sign up at chaffeeartcenter.org or call 802-775-0356.

Photo courtesy of Chaffee Art Center
“Guest House” by artist Christine Holzschuh showcases her ability to use colors well. Learn her talents in a workshop, Saturday.

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