- July 22, 2015By Lani Duke Changing roles, models Change is inevitable in organizations. It has come to the Vermont State Fair at…
- July 22, 2015Ottauquechee Natural Resources Conservation District receives Governor’s Award for Environmental Excellence at State House on June 30, 2015. The award…
- July 22, 2015RUTLAND – Rutland Area Visiting Nurse Association & Hospice (RAVNAH) has been selected to participate in the Medicare Care Choices…
- July 22, 2015By Cal Garrison, a.k.a. Mother of the Skye This week's Horoscopes are coming out under the light of a late-Virgo,…
- July 17, 2015Taste over 300 wines from around the world KILLINGTON–The Killington Wine Festival celebrates its 14th anniversary July 17-19 with three…
- July 17, 2015Courtesy of GMP GMP hydro plant and Sutherland Falls on Otter Creek. The falls furnished power for cutting and processing…
- July 17, 2015Tuesday, July 21—RUTLAND—With appointments well below target, organizers of Rutland’s Gift-of-Life Summer Mini Marathon Blood Drive have issued an urgent…
- July 17, 2015By Cristina Kumka The Killington Pico Area Association has withdrawn its proposal to manage town events and the budget that…
- July 17, 2015By Stephen Seitz TAFTSVILLE – A proposed 500-kilowatt solar panel project along Route 4 in Taftsville won’t go forward after…
- July 17, 2015KILLINGTON—On Tuesday, July 7, the board of selectmen set the municipal tax rate for the Town of Killington for the…
- July 17, 2015Submitted Seated at the table for the July 9th’s signing ceremony (L-R): Quebec Premier Philippe Couillard, Ontario Premier Kathleen Wynne,…
- July 17, 2015SHEFFIELD—On July 8 at about 5 p.m. Vermont state police and rescue personnel responded to a single-vehicle, fatal crash on…
- July 17, 2015The nonprofit projects it will reach more than 5,000 children at 81 sites The Children’s Literacy Foundation (CLiF) is increasing…
- July 17, 2015RUPERT — On July 10 at 2:48 p.m. a call was made in reference to a deceased bicyclist on Vermont…
- July 17, 2015By Bill Mathis Few education policy proposals have been adopted as widely and enthusiastically as preschool education. With near universal…