Discover More from This Author: Polly

Banner apple harvest reported statewide

September 21, 2015
By Polly Lynn If you’ve seen an apple tree lately, you’d know this was a good year for the state’s largest fruit crop as each tree struggles to hold up the weight of hundreds apples. “We’re looking at one of the best crops in years — possibly topping one million bushels,” said Steve Justis, executive…

Vermont State Police report traffic safety data for 2015

September 21, 2015
The Vermont State Police participated in the Labor Day weekend national Operation C.A.R.E. (Combined Accident Reduction Effort) over the holiday weekend from Friday, Sept. 4 through Monday Sept. 7. Sadly, there were two fatalities on Vermont roadways this past holiday weekend. There have been 37 total fatalities in Vermont this year to date. Of those,…

Governor says Vermont clean energy economy grows by 6.2 percent; now supports 16,231 jobs

September 21, 2015
Vermont’s clean energy economy continues to grow and create good jobs for Vermonters, according to a report released Monday, Sept. 14, by Gov. Peter Shumlin and the Department of Public Service (DPS). At Building Energy, the governor was joined by Vermonters employed by the clean energy sector to outline results of the “2015 Vermont Clean…

Sue Minter joins the race for governor

September 21, 2015
By Jasper Craven, After weeks of discreet coordination around who would replace her as Secretary of the Vermont Agency of Transportation, Sue Minter resigned from the agency Thursday morning, Sept. 10, before announcing her intentions to run for governor in 2016 in an email sent out minutes later. “I am running for governor to…

Public hearings on proposed ATV rule, Sept. 16 and 24

September 21, 2015
An ATV connector trail proposed on 7,988-acre Les Newell WMA in Stockbridge Two public hearings will be held to receive comment on a new rule proposed by the Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) that would allow the Agency Secretary to designate connector trails for use by all-terrain vehicles (ATVs) on public lands owned by the…

Intercity Rail Initiative could bring high speed passenger service through communities

September 21, 2015
The Vermont Agency of Transportation and the Massachusetts Department of Transportation will air its findings on a study to expand regional intercity passenger rail service at a public meeting held Thursday, Sept. 24, at 7 p.m. at Hotel Coolidge on 39 South Main Street in White River Junction, Vt. The study, known as the Northern…

Rutland deemed Solar Capital of NE

September 21, 2015
Congressman Peter Welch, Governor Peter Shumlin, Rutland Mayor Chris Louras, Green Mountain Power CEO Mary Powell, Raw Honey and Fruition Owner Rebecca Bounadonna, and homeowner Karen Correll spoke at a press conference Tuesday morning after Rutland was deemed the Solar Generation Capital of New England. White sunglasses were given out to participants at the press…

Pied for charity

September 18, 2015
KILLINGTON — The second annual Pie In The Face Challenge fundraiser for Phelan-McDermid Syndrome took place at Mogul Sports Pub in Killington, Sunday, Sept. 13 at 5 p.m. Local “celebrities,” including Killington and Pico Resort president Mike Solimano and other resort personnel, as well as business leaders, donated their time and faces to get pied for…

Vermont State Fair celebrates 170 years

September 18, 2015
By Robin Alberti The Rutland Fairgrounds are abuzz with the annual Vermont State Fair running this year, Sept. 4-12. Livestock and agricultural contests, food, music, rides,  and entertainment packs each day at the fair. Schedule at

The rubber hits the road on cost containment

September 18, 2015
In 2014 Vermont launched an effort to bring health care providers together to better coordinate care for patients, reduce unnecessary tests, improve health outcomes, and save money in a health care system that is spending it faster than Vermonters can afford. And guess what? It’s working. Earlier this week we received the year-one results showing…

Learning simplicity and sustainability WWOOFing

September 18, 2015
By Matt McCarthy Editor’s note: Matthew McCarthy, from Connecticut, took a gap year between high school and college and participated in a program called Worldwide Opportunities On Organic Farms (WWOOF) at Kiss the Cow farm, in Barnard, Vt. At the top of a curving, steep hill, in a red house with four cats, two farmers and five WWOOFers,…

Standing together against domestic violence

September 18, 2015
By Steve Costello A scream piercing the darkness on an undeveloped section of my childhood street was my introduction to the topic of rape and domestic violence. I was eight or nine years old, and my initial reaction was to recoil in fear as a second and third shriek cut through the night. My father’s…

We must protect our ridgelines, lakes and streams

September 18, 2015
By Brian Dubie In 2009, when I was serving as Lt. Governor, I was invited to the Bolton Valley Ski Area resort to take part in the commissioning of a 100 kw wind turbine manufactured by Vermont workers in Barre. Its blade height was a very modest 120 feet, and the tower was on a…

Agriculture takes the RAP for Lake Champlain cleanup

September 18, 2015
By Julia Purdy On Thursday, Aug. 27, a public information meeting was held at the Fox Room in the Rutland Free Library, for the purpose of bringing to Vermonters the message of Vermont’s new Clean Water Act, Act 64, also known as H. 35. The panel consisted of a full-court press of key State of…

Rand Paul is building a broader, bolder Republican Party

September 18, 2015
Dear Editor, It’s no secret that the Republican Party is in need of revitalization. For too long there are too many voters that have been overlooked by many Republican candidates as ‘unwinnable.’ This is an attitude that will lead to our demise if left uncorrected. And while a number of candidates talk a good game about building…