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Provo, Vt.?

June 7, 2016
By Stephen Seitz Ever since it was reported that the Utah-based NewVista Foundation started buying land in the Sharon-Royalton area for the purpose of building an entirely new community, a lot of eyebrows went up as people wondered, can they do that? Aren’t there rules? According to the NewVistas website, this is what they have…

Taking a cue from students

June 7, 2016
By Rebecca Holcombe A recent decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals, 4th Circuit, confirmed that transgender students should be able to use the bathroom that is consistent with their gender identity. This is the right decision. I think of a family friend, who spends every day worrying about whether his transgender child will still…

President’s foreign policy is hard to understand

June 7, 2016
Dear Editor, As I watched President Obama deliver a speech in Vietnam last week, I have to wonder about a few things this Ppresident does. First, he lifts a U. S. arms ban on this country so the U. S. can sell lethal military equipment to them even though the Communist Party leads the Socialist…

Open letter to President Obama: Hiroshima and Nagasaki

June 7, 2016
Dear Editor, Congratulations to President Obama on your historic and thoughtful words and deeds in Japan. You destroyed the artificial suspense created by the media over whether you would apologize or not. No one familiar with your background as someone keenly aware of our history would have predicted any such apology. The generation that fought…

Self-aggrandizement over good judgment?

June 7, 2016
Dear Editor, In response to John Paul Faignant’s letter of May 5, 2016, in the Rutland Herald entitled “Rose Kennedy passes hard test”-- First of all Mr. Faignant is obviously biased in his assessment of Ms. Kennedy’s judgment. Either that or he is just a poor judge of words he uses in his letter. His…

Charges should be dropped against Mosher

June 7, 2016
Dear Editor, The criminal charges filed by the Rutland State’s Attorneys Office against Mr. Mosher are overreaching and should be totally dropped. An involuntary manslaughter charge (felony) against the responsible owner of a cow killed by a car—in light of strong facts suggesting fault may lie with the auto driver—seems very unreasonable. As a Killington…

Vermont ranks second in the U.S. for senior health

June 7, 2016
By Erin Mansfield, A national research foundation has ranked Vermont second in the nation for keeping senior citizens healthy in 2016. This is the fourth year in a row that the United Health Foundation’s “America’s Health Rankings” placed Vermont in the top five states for senior health. In 2016, the study ranked Massachusetts first…

Shumlin signs law to ban conversion therapy

June 7, 2016
S.132 takes effect July 1, a victory in civil rights for the LGBT community At a time when some states are working to erode hard-fought advances in civil rights for the LGBT community, Gov. Peter Shumlin signed a law May 25 to advance them in Vermont by banning the dangerous and discredited practice of conversion…

Gov. Shumlin signs consumer protection bill into law

June 7, 2016
On May 24, Gov. Peter Shumlin signed into law H.84, legislation that cracks down on online dating scams and provides greater consumer protection in a number of other areas. The legislation was a priority of Attorney General Bill Sorrell. Under the new law, online dating companies will be required to notify members of suspicious activity…

A course of action

June 7, 2016
By Dom Cioffi It’s over. Three straight seasons of coaching have officially ended. I have been teaching, scheduling, yelling, motivating, encouraging, disciplining and coordinating for the last nine months and now I finally have some time to myself. Don’t get me wrong. I wouldn’t have it any other way, but after a fall season of…

Sanders given significant influence over party platform

June 7, 2016
By Jasper Craven, Armed with a resonant message, more than 2.4 million small-dollar donors and 21 primary and caucus victories, Bernie Sanders has accrued a deep well of political power that is already paying off ahead of July’s Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia. In a change from the usual process, the presidential campaigns were…

Video: 2016 Killington Stage Race

June 6, 2016
Race The Legend!™

Memorial Day was celebrated at the Mettawee Community School

June 1, 2016
Photo Courtesy of Linda Maness Memorial Day was celebrated at the Mettawee Community School on  the morning of Friday, May 27. All grades read poems or sang a song in remembrance of all who have served and sacrificed. Pictured: Mettawee Principal Brooke DeBonis with students (L-R) Kaelyn  Monroe, Breanne Weeden and Alyssa Sargent.

June 1, 2016

June 1, 2016
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The Outside Story: Spring excavations: pileated woodpeckers

June 1, 2016
  By Susan Shea Wuk-wuk-wuk-wuk! With a rattling call, a large bird took off from a tree and flew in an undulating fashion across our field towards the woods. It was black and the size of a crow, but flashes of white on the underside of its wings and a red crest on its head…