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Pico Mountain: One of Vermont’s best-kept secrets enjoys renaissance as updated classic

July 10, 2014
By Karen D. Lorentz updated Wed, Jan 25, 2012 03:07 PM Vermont's third oldest ski area and one of the first thirty in North America, Pico is a mountain where a sense of community and the joy of snow sports prevail. Since its Nov. 27, 1937 debut, skiers of all ages have found Pico to…

Empowerment through sports, when spirits soar

July 10, 2014
By Karen D. Lorentz posted Jan 2, 2013 Hopefully you have been reading about the new Andrea Mead Lawrence Lodge that the Vermont Adaptive Ski and Sports program and the Pico Ski Education Foundation are engaged in building at Pico to facilitate and enhance their respective programs. By sharing the two-story building, they will each…

Calling all 50-plussers: A Monday program at Pico Mountain aims to gather friends

July 10, 2014
Karen D. Lorentz posted Oct 10, 2013 "Grow the market" is the rallying cry in the U.S. ski industry, especially with the fear of the baby boomers "aging out." But that doesn't mean that Killington and Pico have forgotten about the "golden oldies" - also known as the 'mature market' - who still enjoy being…

Once upon a time in history: A Wise move

July 10, 2014
By Karen D. Lorentz posted Sep 19, 2012 Charlie Wise was introduced to skiing after his father attended the 1932 Lake Placid Winter Olympics and "decided I should learn to ski. I was taught how to herringbone up the hill but not how to turn," Charlie said of learning on a Long Island golf course…

Once upon a time in history: One of the original Killington couples, Royal and Norma Biathrow

July 10, 2014
By Karen D. Lorentz posted Aug 30, 2012 A big man with a Vermont sense of humor and abundant Yankee ingenuity, Royal Biathrow was one of the first locals to notice the potential in the Killington Ski Area. A logger since high school, he "saw the price of logs drop as plastics came out in…

Things That Go Boom in the Microwave

July 10, 2014
By Cindy Phillips posted Aug 23, 2012 I walked into the office break room the other day to find a co-worker cleaning up what appeared to be a volcanic eruption. I knew immediately what had happened - she tried to cook grits in the microwave. A month prior, I had experienced the same catastrophic result…

Facing obstacles: History lessons after an important apology bring hope for progress

July 10, 2014
By Karen D. Lorentz posted May 23, 2012 On April 23, VPR aired a commentary by Bill Mares that confirmed a long held misgiving. Sometimes critics don't give credence to intelligent leaders because the critics have an agenda that is less than totally honest or a passion that is more personal than legitimate. Most Killington…

Vermont ski industry alive and well

July 10, 2014
By Karen D. Lorentz posted Jul 3, 2013 Skier visits near all-time record Vermont just recorded one of its best ski seasons ever, despite a later than usual start for most areas. In fact, it may have been the best season ever if one examines the numbers and accounts for the actual methodology used to…

Take another little piece of my heart

July 10, 2014
By Cindy Phillips posted May 2, 2012 If you picked up superstitions or old wives tales from your parents or grandparents, you may believe that some life events happen in threes - one of them being death. I am holding my breath right now after the announcement of Dick Clark's passing, followed the next day…

KMS Highline venue receives $50,000 boost from Powdr Corp

July 10, 2014
By Karen D. Lorentz updated Thu, Dec 26, 2013 06:14 PM Powdr Corporation, the parent company of Killington Pico Ski Resort Partners, has donated $50,000 to the Killington Mountain School (KMS) for a project that creates a vastly improved and expanded competitions venue on the Highline Trail at the mountain. Killington Mountain School is an…

Once upon a time in history

July 10, 2014
By Karen D. Lorentz posted May 23, 2013 Leslie Leete Smith: Killington's first daughter and olympian Some expectant parents play music to their unborn child; Leslie Leete Smith's parents planned a ski area. Born just three months before Killington debuted in December 1958, Leslie literally grew up at the mountain. She recalls the story of…

Deluge renders a veritable ‘who-dun-it’ of Irene Storm, rescue, and recovery

July 10, 2014
By Karen D. Lorentz updated Wed, Aug 28, 2013 06:43 PM Chances are you will know some of the people in the book; perhaps you are even in the book! I live on a mountain 2,230 feet above sea level along the spine of the Green Mountains. To get anywhere we descend about 430 vertical…

Once upon a time in history: Mrs. Claus guides Santa, a winter tale for skiers

July 10, 2014
By Karen D. Lorentz posted Dec 20, 2012 It was 1926 and Santa was stuck. What new toys could he and his elves make for kids and adults in the Rutland Region? "I know," said Mrs. Claus. They have one of those big ski jumps in Springfield, MA, so why don't you and your elves…

Once upon a time in history: The sale of Killington

July 10, 2014
By Karen D. Lorentz posted Jun 13, 2012 Editor's note: This is part three in a four-part series that provides an historical perspective on the Killington Village and lack of its completion over a 44-year period. One of the ironies of history is "live long enough" and you see that history has a funny, if…

The Day the Monkee Died

July 10, 2014
By Cindy Phillips updated Wed, Mar 7, 2012 09:15 AM As I write this column, news of Davy Jones death is about 24 hours old. Boomers get a dose of reality each time a music legend passes away. The day the music dies is a creepy reminder of our own mortality. We all want to…