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The Mountain Times receives accolades at the annual New England Newspaper and Press Association conference

February 26, 2015
By Christy Lynn Members of The Mountain Times gather around “Best Ad Designer” Maxx Steinmetz, who holds up two first place awards won at the Advertising, Circulation and Marketing awards ceremony in Boston, Friday, Feb. 20. Pictured (l-r): Jason Mikula, Erica Harrington, Lindsey Rogers, Maxx Steinmetz, Polly Lynn, and Kyle Finneron. Staff report The Mountain…

Women’s Club holds Candidate Forum Thursday evening

February 26, 2015
Thursday, Feb. 26 — KILLINGTON—The Sherburne Women’s Club will again be presenting a candidates’ forum prior to the 2015 Board of Selectmen election. The Forum will take place on Thursday, Feb. 26, at the Killington town offices (lower level) on River Road. Doors will open at 6:30 p.m. and the forum will begin promptly at 7…

KPAA holds Candidate Forum Thursday morning

February 26, 2015
Thursday, Feb. 26 — KILLINGTON —  On Thursday, Feb. 26, The Killington Pico Area Association will host a Killington Selectboard Candidate Forum at the Killington Welcome Center to educate our members on the upcoming Selectboard election. Candidate Jim Haff will speak from 10 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. and Candidate Chris Bianchi will speak from 10:30 a.m.…

Contested races in Rutland County

February 26, 2015
Staff report Brandon Two one-year seats on the Brandon Select Board are up for vote this year. Incumbents Ethan Swift and Doug Bailey will face challenger Dennis Reisenweaver. The remaining two years of Maria Ammatuna’s Select Board seat is also up for vote. Seth Hopkins, a member of the Budget Committee, will face Richard Baker,…

Lawmakers reminded of findings in Brigham case

February 26, 2015
Robert Gensburg, lead attorney in the landmark education funding decision Brigham vs. State of Vermont, testified before the House Education Committee on Thursday. By Amy Ash Nixon, As the House Education Committee gets to work on the finer points of a committee bill aimed to tackle both governance issues and cost concerns, an important…

PEGTV broadcasts live mayoral forum

February 26, 2015
RUTLAND – PEGTV, Rutland County’s public access television station, will be broadcasting a live mayoral forum between candidates Christopher Louras, David Allaire and Kam Johnston. The debate will air on PEGTV channel 21 at 7 p.m. Current Mayor Christopher Louras and his opponents David Allaire and Kam Johnston will answer questions from moderator Tom Donahue…

Q&A with Mike Solimano

February 26, 2015
Editor’s note: The Mountain Times receives many questions from readers every week about Killington Resort and Pico Mountain operations. In order to best answer some of the most common questions we will pose them directly to Mike Solimano, president and general manager for Killington Resort and Pico Mountain, who has agreed to respond in an…

Killington Select Board explains budget and articles up for vote, March 3

February 26, 2015
Editors note: The following is a public letter by the Killington Select Board addressed to Killington residents reproduced here in full. Fiscal Year Change On Town Meeting Day in 2014, Killington voters overwhelming approved Article 3 and adopted a July 1 through June 30 fiscal year in place of using the calendar year (Jan.-Dec.).  We…

Chris Bianchi asks Killington residents for support, pledges continued consensus-building and progress

February 26, 2015
Dear Editor, It’s now been six years since Killington residents first elected me, Chris Bianchi, to the Select Board and I’m asking for voters’ support again as I seek re-election at Town Meeting this March 3. It’s been an honor to serve our town and I want to continue to work with our board and…

KPAA proposal offers win-win for budget; gets town out of event planning

February 26, 2015
Dear Editor, I’d like to touch base on your question 5 in the Q&A. Part of the question asked what specific things I propose cutting from the budget, my answer was to implement the proposal from the KPAA, which includes the community businesses that also includes the resort. I would like to expand on that…

KPAA supports proposed Killington budget

February 26, 2015
Dear Editor, As the organization that represents the businesses in the Killington Region, the Killington Pico Area Association (KPAA), supports the Select Board’s 2015/2016 budget proposal, including Article 3, which will be voted on Tuesday, March 3 on Town Meeting Day. We believe the budget, with its investments in public safety, road construction/maintenance, and economic…

With the budget, the President calls the shots

February 26, 2015
By Lee H. Hamilton It may not be obvious from the news coverage, but a good bit of Congress’s 2015 agenda just landed on Capitol Hill with a thud. I mean this literally. The federal budget that President Obama recently submitted runs to 2,000 pages. This is the most important government document produced each year,…

Fleecing the public: not the way we do business in Vermont

February 26, 2015
By Governor Peter Shumlin  Too often the news we hear focuses on the controversy over what we don’t agree on. As we work to put together a difficult budget that matches Montpelier’s appetite for spending with Vermonters’ ability to pay and other legislation that helps make this state a more affordable place to live, work,…

Tutus, anyone?

February 26, 2015
By Lee Krohn Good times, good friends, great cause. The 13th annual Tubbs Romp to Stomp Out Breast Cancer Snowshoe Series was held Saturday Feb. 21 at Stratton Mountain. Last year, the fundraising and participation numbers exceeded $63,000 and 591 Rompers and this year organizers hoped to top those numbers. The event, a run (or walk) on…

Making the bed

February 26, 2015
Do you make your bed in the morning? And if not, do you think you’re a terrible human being? I myself do not make the bed. Since I don’t enjoy doing chores, I do them only as necessary—and making the bed has always struck me as perhaps the most useless of all the prescribed “daily…