West Windsor was one of three towns awarded a grant to create a master plan to better connect the village to Mount Ascutney by enhancing the streetscape, exploring redevelopment opportunities, and improving the economic vitality of the village.
The Agency of Transportation (AOT), the Agency of Commerce and Community Development (ACCD), and the Agency of Natural Resources (ANR) announced March 30 that $258,000 in funding has been awarded to Brattleboro, East Hardwick, and West Windsor through the Better Connections Grant Program, which seeks to towns build stronger communities that are more livable and walkable.
“This collaborative work with our state partners enables Vermont communities to plan and grow in a thoughtful, well-coordinated way to integrate transportation, land-use planning, and economic development decision-making,” said Transportation Secretary Joe Flynn.
“This program’s focus on community-driven engagement empowers local leaders to plan transportation investments that are more equitable to all users, improve public health, revitalize communities, and clean our waters,” said Housing and Community Development Commissioner Josh Hanford.
Brattleboro will create an action plan to improve the Canal Street Corridor with pedestrian and safety improvements, strengthen connections to their local assets, and incorporate green infrastructure to improve water quality along the corridor.
Hardwick will create a revitalization plan for East Hardwick village that will guide future economic development, land use, and transportation infrastructure investments and provide better connections to the Lamoille Valley Rail Trail.