June 6-12 — RUTLAND — The Rutland Garden Club is an all-volunteer organization with the purpose of beautifying the city with gardens and flower shows. Founded in 1914, Rutland Garden Club is one of America’s first organized garden clubs. The organization now maintains 19 municipal gardens and all of the downtown Rutland seasonal planters and window boxes. Blue Star Memorials, started in 1945 by the National Garden Clubs, exist around the country to honor our military veterans. Rutland’s Blue Star Garden, on Woodstock Avenue, is dedicated to World War II Army Gen. Leonard Wing of Rutland.
The Rutland Garden Club invites participation large and small. It can begin with just one seed and a place to grow. The Rutland Garden Club will honor your efforts.
The Rutland Garden Club will be filling the planted tubs and flower boxes in downtown Rutland in celebration of National Garden Week, June 6-12.
In cooperation with the Dept. of Parks & Recreation, the work can be seen in the following locations:
- Downtown Rutland flower boxes and planters
- Blue Star Highway memorial marker
- Chaffee Art Center
- Depot Park
- Depot Park leashed dog sculpture
- Depot Park sign area
- Evelyn Street triangle
- Godnick Center building
- Godnick Center circle
- Godnick Center, east side
- Godnick Center, Woodstock Avenue
- Godnick Center gazebo garden
- Virginia Mitchell crocus garden
- Green Mountain boy statue, Main Street Park
- West Street marble garden
- Police station and memorial
- River Street welcome center sign
- Rutland Free Library on Court and Center street
- Vietnam Memorial on Main Street Park
- West Street welcome sign