Sunday, Oct. 18 at 4 —KILLINGTON—There is a way to have hope and face the realities of climate change and ecosystem collapse! Mission Farm in Killington knows the power of regenerative agriculture to provide hope for our healing and for the healing of the earth.
They are offering the community an invitation to join the regenerative agriculture movement and come to the farm on Oct. 18 at 4 p.m. for a screening of “Kiss the Ground.” This feature length documentary shows how regenerative farming techniques can provide abundant food, sink carbon into the soil, and heal landscapes that were rendered biological wastelands because of mechanized farming practices.
They will be firing up ovens for delicious flatbread pizza. The pizza will showcase Vermont food from regenerative farmers, and it will be available for purchase!
The event will take place outside and folks are encouraged to bring a folding chair or to plan to remain in their vehicle for the showing. Masks and social distancing are required outside of your car or while ordering pizza. The suggested donation is $5/person or $20 for a family (please bring cash or check made out to Mission Farm on the day of the event). For more information visit