By Curt Peterson
The terms of two of the five seats on the Hartland Select Board are expiring at Town Meeting in March. Both Tom Kennedy and Clyde Jenne are hoping to be re-elected to their positions.
A third man, David Dukeshire, would like to replace Jenne on the board. It’s a horse race, and it’s time to check the odds, to get to know the contestants.
Thomas A. Kennedy
Thomas A. Kennedy, 71, has lived in Hartland for 33 years. He’s been active in town government as Justice of the Peace, served on the Board of Civil Authority and the Board of Adjustment, the Hartland School Board and on the South East Supervisory Union Board. His term on the Select Board would be three years.
Kennedy works full-time as director of community development at Mount Ascutney Regional Commission.
His goals as a selectman are to “develop a capital budget and program for all the town’s buildings and vehicles, community support for rehabilitation of the Quechee Road, greater community participation in decision-making, community discussion and approval of practical land use regulations, reconstitute the energy committee in conjunction with the Planning Commission, develop and implement a plan for working force housing, and continue to support the work of the town manager.”
Clyde A. Jenne
Clyde A. Jenne, 78, has lived in Hartland his entire life. He’s served moderator, lister, justice of the peace, town clerk, and as selectman for three years. He currently has part-time employment, although he considers himself “retired.”
Jenne’s goal, if re-elected, is “to continue seeing Hartland move towards being a vibrant community.”
David Dukeshire
David Dukeshire, 73, has lived in Hartland for 68 years. Retired, he has been involved in the community as Boy Scout Troop 235 committee chair, and is presently the chair of Hartland’s Planning Commission.
If successful competing for Clyde Jenne’s seat, Dukeshire’s goal will be “to help the town preserve its rural character with stronger commercial development rules in the town plan.”
Issues such as the proposed Farm Store on the former Lamb farm property, the communications tower intended for Town Farm Road, and the future of the North Hartland School have inspired public curiosity.
If residents have any questions for candidates they can contact them via the town website: