March 21 – April 19
If you continue to grapple with things left over from your childhood or family life, how do you ever really enjoy what you have now? In reality, you can’t go back to when you were a kid, but it can be very useful to open the lid on your stuff from then. Sure, take a look, but avoid looking for too long. If you want to be happy, take action on the here, now, and what’s to come.
April 20 – May 20
Where people really get stuck in life is the way they think. This week, do watch the thoughts that circle through your mind as well as the words you speak. Would you think and say these things about your best friend? A child? Probably not. If you’ve caught yourself in a negative feedback loop of thoughts, you need to cut them out and install some new ones. It’s simple, but change your thoughts, and you’ll change your life.
May 21 – June 20
Much of what you’re going through now relates to issues of worthiness. Many people say your net worth is a reflection of your self-worth. While there is some truth to that, it also suggests that your bank balance determines how you view yourself and life overall. It does not. Money comes, and money goes, but who you truly are is something that cannot be measured, even by coins of gold.
June 21 – July 22
Avoid playing the blame game this week, whether you’re blaming yourself or others for what you perceive to be an issue. The more control you can take of your reactions, the easier it will be for you to respond. It’s a big difference. Don’t let past actions – yours or someone else’s be the determining factor for how you view everything. Life can change, but not if you keep looking back. You either win or you learn but you have to move forward to do so.
July 23 – August 22
We all have an inner beast that requires taming, and you’re no exception. It’s the beast inside your mind that requires slaying now. Do take a look back on your past and your emotions related to that. Does any of it serve your future? Take with you what is good and leave behind everything that isn’t. The past doesn’t need to determine your future reality. If there was a time to trust in your inner fire, it’s now.
August 23 – September 22
Your theme now is cleansing and renewal. This goes for you overall, but you may also see it in your friendship circles. Personal priorities change, and as a result, so can the company you keep. You may need to give some thought to those you spend time with. Are you attached to them for no other reason than history? You don’t need to make any choices, but it helps to understand what drives you.
September 23 – October 22
Nothing worth having comes easy and you’re discovering that now when it comes to your career and overall life direction. Just because you may be experiencing some challenges doesn’t mean all is lost. Perspective really counts, and now, you can see things more clearly than you did before. The obstacle is the way. So welcome everything that isn’t easy, knowing there are always rewards after the work. A boost to your physical energy and vitality will also help a lot now.
October 23 – November 21
It’s not enough to simply go through the motions and expect life to feel the way you want it to. You have to go deeper. Lucky for you, the capacity to do that comes fairly easily. If your daily life lacks substance or meaning, then you need to dive into a deeper sense of purpose. Update your daily rituals. Let your habits and choices on a day-to-day basis reflect what you say you want. Actions must align with desire.
November 22 – December 21
Whether it’s your finances or the emotional entanglements you share with other people, you need to figure things out. Avoid getting stuck in the past because things may or may not have worked out how you wanted them to. Learn from the things that went well for you and learn from what didn’t. You don’t have to hold on to the past if it has nothing to do with your future. You get to determine what comes next.
December 22 – January 19
A lot of people make the error of thinking their relationship is a problem. In reality, though, it’s more that there is a problem in the relationship. Whether it’s you or your special someone, be mindful if a situation gets overblown more than it should. Emotions are frayed right now, and it may be up to you and your cool, calm, and collective nature to regain control. If you have some underlying anger, you need to deal with that.
January 20 – February 18
You can continue to twist yourself into a pretzel trying to be everything to everyone, or you can simply say, “Enough is enough.” If you’ve got too much on your plate right now, you can either complain about it or change it. This week, cut yourself some slack and do what you need to do to keep your cool. Nothing changes unless nothing changes, and right now, start with the little things. Get back your peace of mind.
February 19 – March 20
You’ve been working so hard for so long that you may have forgotten how to have fun. As adults, fun just doesn’t happen spontaneously; you have to make the effort. Whether it’s doing things you enjoy, having more quality time with children, or investing in your romantic life, you don’t receive the rewards if you don’t make the effort. The rewards will arrive in the not-too-distant future, so you don’t want to miss out!