Weekly Horoscope

Weekly Horoscope, May 15-21, 2024

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March 21 – April 19
Everyone has their own idea about wealth creation. Some people are scrimpers, some people are savers. While others make risky investments, some prefer a safe bet. At the end of the day, it matters not so much how you get to a place of comfort, but the fact you get there. The tricky part is the decision making process. Whatever you choose to do, make sure you do what it is you want, and what you want only.


April 20 – May 20
Do you want to be liked or do you want to be happy? The price of conformity is that everyone likes you except yourself! This week, you have a rare opportunity to stand alone, to stand in truth and do what is right for you or what matters most to you. It’s you that has to walk in your own skin. Shut out the noise, put your hand on your heart. Ask whomever it is you pray to for the most divine of guidance.


May 21 – June 20
The best decisions don’t always derive from logic and reason. More often than not, it’s the inkling inside you, your intuition that speaks the loudest. This week, you may get the opportunity to make a choice that you can think about or the one that you simply feel guided by, for no other reason than you know it’s right. Sometimes the best choices are made when you can’t even explain why you made them.


June 21 – July 22
It’s not an easy realization to make when the authenticity of your friendships come into question. You value loyalty and longevity when it comes to those inside your circle. Sometimes though, ages, stages and situations in life reveal features you had never seen before. One the one hand, you don’t have to throw out the baby with the bath water. On the other, a little distance might be wise at least for a while until you figure out your feelings.


July 23 – August 22
You were born to be a leader, not to be a sheep. So with that in mind, if you’ve been making choices based on popularity rather than policy – either at work or regarding your reputation, then you need to think twice. People tend to gravitate naturally to those who know who they are. Are those who bask themselves in your light fawning you or do they respect you? A few strong choices will separate friend from foe.


August 23 – September 22
It’s totally OK, in fact, it’s to be expected, that you might change your mind about something you said you once wanted. Maybe it’s something to do with a study pathway, a destination you wanted to travel to or maybe it’s spiritual or religious awakening that’s prompting significant changes. Whatever is going on now, don’t judge it. If you weren’t changing, you wouldn’t be growing and evolving. That is something you’re meant to do.


September 23 – October 22
A new move with your money is required this week, especially that of which is tied up with someone else. Whether you’ve joined forces in marriage with your soulmate or the marriage you’re in has reached the end of the road, some decisions need to be made. This isn’t the time to go with the flow and go along to get along. Stand up for yourself, what’s right for you and what you feel comfortable with, even if that’s short term discomfort.


October 23 – November 21
Once again, relationships are on your radar. If you’re tired of the drama and just want a simple life, then it’s up to you to either pull the pin or do something different. You may upset the apple cart initially, but ultimately, this is about finding fields which you can both graze upon together. You don’t have to do things the way everyone else does when it comes to love. Do what’s right for the two of you.


November 22 – December 21
Everyone reaches their tipping point eventually. This week, you might just have to put your foot down about something. You have to be the adult in the room and say enough is enough. Sure you can do more, add a little something extra to your to-do list. Then what? Have a tantrum when you’re exhausted and frustrated? You do have the option to either delete or delegate what you don’t want to do. You’ll feel better for it.


December 22 – January 19
It’s OK to give yourself permission to try something new. After all, variety is the spice of life! How will you know what you even like unless you give it a go? As you explore new options and possibilities, you only open yourself up to new avenues of happiness and joy. Who doesn’t want that? While you may be a traditionalist at heart, everything that is a tradition to you now was once a radical new idea.


January 20 – February 18
You’ve had your fair share of upsets and change on the home front. Much of this has certainly upset the foundation and comfort towhich you grew accustomed. But, as we all know, comfort is rarely akin to progress. Seeing as you're in such a massive phase of personal change and transformation, your family life was destined to be extension of that. It’s time for you to make some authentic choices based on these new realizations.


February 19 – March 20
It can be a good thing to break up some ingrained patterns and habits that you do on a day-to-day basis. While having a routine is a good thing for most people, sometimes breaking out of it or changing things up can give you a new lease on life. If you’ve been floating along and not feeling like you’re gaining much traction, implementing a routine might be just what you need. In either case, make your daily rituals exciting.

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