Visiting Nurse and Hospice for Vermont and New Hampshire, a member of Dartmouth Health, collected more than 100 books for young readers as part of its annual gift collection. Pictured back row, l-r: VNH nurses Krysta Zabriskie, Stephanie Mozzer, Kimberly Rowntree, Missy Carpenter and Saryn Lauzon. Front row, l-r: Kayla Cawvey and Karen Pero.
White River Junction— Visiting Nurse and Hospice for Vermont and New Hampshire (VNH), a member of Dartmouth Health, collected more than 110 books for young readers, from infants to teens, as well as $200 in gift cards for book purchases as part of Visiting Nurse and Hospice (VNH)’s annual gift collection.
“As a 116-year institution, VNH is proud to be an integrated part of the communities it serves,” said VNH President and CEO Johanna L. Beliveau, DNP, MBA, RN. “This year, our team chose a book drive as the annual holiday gift collection. We see literacy and youth education as a critical component to community health. Even one book in the hands of a child can make a world of difference.”
Each year, VNH’s Maternal and Child Health team sponsors a holiday gift drive asking employees to donate gifts that are then distributed to families in the program. This year, they collected books and gift cards for children of all ages.
The books were collected in the month of November at multiple VNH drop sites, and they were distributed during December and January to over 100 families in the Maternal and Child Health program.
This is the second year VNH has organized a gift collection as a way to assist families during the winter season.