The Vermont Agency of Transportation notifies the traveling public that Route 103 from Rockingham to Clarendon will be resurfaced this spring and summer. This project will proceed through Rockingham, portions of Chester, Cavendish, portions of Ludlow, Mount Holly, Wallingford, Shrewsbury and Clarendon.
The contractor, Pike Industries, will begin preliminary construction activities the week of April 16, including construction signage, message boards, and placing of equipment.
Work will begin in Rockingham just south of the I-91 northbound entrance and proceed northerly as the summer progresses. Work includes milling (grinding) of the existing road surface, pothole repair, crack sealing where necessary, hot-in-place asphalt recycling, paving and other highway related items.
This is a maintenance project designed to extend the life of the roadway and prevent further deterioration, thus eliminating the need for extensive roadway repair in the future.