Sunday, Aug. 20, 12:30 p.m.—HUBBARDTON— On Sunday, Aug. 20 at 12:30 p.m., join the caravan for the sixth annual guided driving tour of sections of the Mount Independence-Hubbardton Military Road of 1776-77. Tour leader Jim Rowe will introduce participants to the Hydeville Branch of the road. Participants will use their own vehicles to travel from the Hubbardton Battlefield toward Hydeville. The group will head north through West Castleton to eastern Benson. Meet at the Hubbardton Battlefield State Historic Site in Hubbardton for the orientation and directions.
Rowe has been president of the Crown Point Road Association, has a lifelong interest in this Revolutionary War military road, and is an engaging storyteller. He will be assisted by several other knowledgeable members of the Association.
The fee is $3 for adults, free for children under 15, and includes admission to the museum. The Hubbardton Battlefield is located at 5696 Monument Hill Road, Hubbardton. Call 802-273-2282 for more information.