Saturday, April 29, 10 a.m.—POULTNEY—Saturday, April 29 will be Spring Clean Up Day at Poultney Cemetery, 10 a.m., weather permitting. Lot owners and their families are encouraged to participate. The goal is to clean the property of debris before the 2017 mowing season begins. Poultney Cemetery Association (P.C.A.) property is open to lot owners, their families and invited friends April 1-Nov. 30 each year.
The P.C.A. property is open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. daily. As a reminder, the property is not a public park. Kindly observe the solitude of others, especially when funerals are occurring. Please remove trash, including pet droppings, for proper disposal according to Vermont trash disposal regulations. The association’s long-standing rules are posted on signboards within the property in two locations.
For more information, call 802-779-5534 or email