Thursday, Sept. 15 at 6:30 p.m.—KILLINGTON—The Greater Killington Women’s Club (GKWC) begins its fall season with the annual “Meet Your Neighbor Night” tradition. This year the event is being hosted by Pat Fowler on Thursday, Sept. 15 from 6:30-8:30 p.m. Light refreshments and appetizers will be provided by the GKWC board members. This event is free to attend and is a great opportunity to meet new people and catch up with fellow members after a busy summer. Returning members are encouraged to invite other women in the community to attend and learn more about the club.
For more info, go to
The GKWC (formerly known as the Sherburne Women’s Club) is a civic organization founded in Killington over 50 years ago. In more than a half century of service to the Killington community, the club has given away over $100,000 to local organizations, schools and non-profits. The club invites members (current, former and potential) to join and consider supporting this very worthwhile organization that does so much for the community. Membership applications can be found online at