Wednesday, Aug. 24 at 6 p.m.—RUTLAND—Mount Saint Joseph Academy will hold its sixth annual cookout for prospective students and families at historic Saint Peter’s Field on River Street in Rutland on Wednesday, Aug. 24, from 6 to 8 p.m. Hamburgers, hot dogs, and salads will be served. (Rain date will be Thursday, Aug. 25.)
MSJ Principal Sarah Fortier, faculty members, coaches, and current families will be on hand to answer questions, and to socialize and celebrate summer. Famillies with a student enering sixth grade or above next year, please consider attending. The event will give the opportunity to see firsthand the community atmosphere that characterizes MSJ, and to understand why enrollment will be up by over 30 percent this fall. No RSVP is required. For more information, call the school at 802-775-0151 or email Admissions Director Mike McIsaac at