Thursday, Aug. 18 at 7 p.m.—PAWLET— The Pawlett Historical Society will host an excavated objects presentation by Ken Major on Thursday, Aug. 18 at 7 p.m. at the Chriss Monroe Chapel, located on Cemetery Hill Road (off VT-30, adjacent to and rising past the Pawlet Post Office) in Pawlet.
Major, in his presentation entitled “Mettowee Valley Lost and Found: A History of Pawlet and Beyond through Excavated Objects,” will use artifacts excavated from Pawlet and other townships along and around the Mettowee Valley to explore the fascinating history of this area from colonial-era settlement into the early 20th century. Major will use these objects to illustrate the facts of the time as well as consider some of the interesting questions they raise.
Ken Major is a metal detecting hobbyist who has become fascinated with the history of this area. Professionally, he is a licensed psychologist-doctorate in Vermont and chairperson of the Vermont Psychological Association’s Ethics Committee. Ken Major and his wife and their two daughters moved to Pawlet in 2011 from San Antonio, Texas.
This PHS event is free, accessible to people with disabilities, and open to the public. Refreshments will be provided. Visitors are asked to park outside the cemetery fence and to walk the fifty yards to the chapel. For those who might find this walk to be difficult, you may be driven or drive up to the chapel door and park within the cemetery fence.
For more information contact Steve Williams at 802-645-9529.