On November 27, 2024

December marks the start of bird-feeding season

By John Hall/VTF&W Bird feeders offer an easy and safe way to interact with wildlife, and installing them after Dec. 1 limits the potential to attract bears, keeping you and the birds safe.

Winter is the perfect time to observe and learn about Vermont’s bird species. “Winter bird feeding is a great way to observe and learn about our year-round bird residents and winter visitors,” said Jillian Kilborn, Vermont Fish and Wildlife’s bird project leader.

Bird feeding tips:

The right mix: Black oil sunflower seeds are popular, but adding “thistle” (nyjer) or cracked corn can attract a variety of species. Suet is ideal for woodpeckers and chickadees.

Use Different Feeders: Hopper feeders suit large birds like blue jays, tube feeders are better for smaller birds, and elevated tray feeders attract ground feeders like juncos and evening grosbeaks.

Provide Cover: Place feeders near natural habitats or add cover, such as a Christmas tree in a snowbank, for birds to hide.

Keep Feeders Clean: To prevent disease, clean feeders every two weeks with a 10% bleach solution and put out only a day’s worth of food.

Important considerations:

Predation risks: Feeding birds increases risks from predators, especially domestic cats. Keep cats indoors and position feeders close to windows to minimize bird strikes.

Bear awareness: Bears are typically dormant from Dec. 1-April 1, but warmer weather can bring them out. Remove feeders if bears are active to avoid dangerous encounters and potential property damage.

Consistency matters: If you start feeding birds, keep feeders stocked. Birds may rely on this food source during periods of extreme weather or scarcity. Taper off gradually when you stop feeding.

Disease prevention:

Remove feeders immediately if there are reports of avian influenza or other diseases. Concentrating birds at feeders can spread infections. If you find a dead bird, consult Vermont Fish and Wildlife’s Avian Influenza Wildlife Health Bulletin for guidance.

Watching birds at feeders is a great way to connect with nature. Take note of their preferences, behavior, and interactions—it’s a rewarding way to deepen your understanding of local birdlife during the colder months.

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