On August 28, 2024
Arts, Dining & Entertainment

Waterfowl hunting blinds forbidden until Sept. 7

The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Dept. reminds hunters that waterfowl hunting blinds may not be placed on or in the waters of the state earlier than the first Saturday in September. This year that’s Sept. 7. 

Anyone who places a blind must have their name and address permanently and legibly shown on the blind by waterproof paint or rustproof tag.

Waterfowl blinds located on any waters of the state except Lake Chaplain must be removed on or before May 15 of the following year. A blind located on Lake Champlain must be removed by Feb. 15 of the following year.

Placement of signs for the purposes of claiming waterfowl blind locations has no basis in law and is unenforceable.

“Finding a good place for a waterfowl hunting blind can be challenging,” said Fish & Wildlife Commissioner Christopher Herrick, “but we urge hunters to show respect for each other so they can all have an enjoyable, safe hunting experience.”

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