On July 31, 2024
Local News

The Primary: Your opportunity to shape the ballot

This year’s August primary may not seem as exciting as some in the past, such as 2022 with open Congressional and U.S. Senate seats, but it is nonetheless important to vote. On the ballot will be nominees for all statewide offices, including governor and lieutenant governor, as well as state senate and state representative.

This is your opportunity to select the candidates that will be our choices on the November ballot. As has been said before, “Elections have consequences” so be sure to vote in this year’s primary election on Tuesday, Aug. 13.

Vermont has an open primary system. A voter can select the Democratic, Progressive or Republican ballot irrespective of what party, if any, you may normally identify and vote for candidates listed or write in your choice.


Republican: Phil Scott

Democrat: Esther Charlestin and Peter Duval

Charlestin is a former equity director in the Middlebury schools and lists herself as a small business owner.

Duval is a part time sailing instructor and substitute teacher.

Lieutenant Governor

Republican: John Rogers and Gregory Thayer

Rogers is a former Democratic State Senator from Orleans County who feels he is too moderate for today’s Democratic party and has led forums at the State House this past spring critical of recent actions by the Legislature, including those adding costs to Vermonters.

Thayer is a former member of the Rutland Board of Aldermen and Vermont campaign manager for Trump.

Democrat: Thomas Renner and David Zuckerman

Renner is the Winooski assistant mayor and a member of Congresswomen Balint’s staff.

Zuckerman is an organic farmer and current Lieut.Governor. He has sought the Progressive nomination as well in past elections.


Vermont Public has held debates for primary races for governor and lieut. governor over the past week. To view the recordings, visit: vermontpublic.org/election-2024 

Primary Day voting hours, Aug. 13

Chittenden Town Office: 9 a.m.-7 p.m.

Killington Town Office: 7 a.m.-7 p.m.

Mendon Town Office: 8 a.m.-7 p.m.

Pittsfield Town Office: 8 a.m.-7 p.m.

You may also vote early by requesting an early ballot at your town office or online through the Secretary of State Office, mvp.vermont.gov. Early ballots must be returned prior to the closing time of your town clerk’s office prior to primary day or turned in during polling hours on Aug. 13.

I plan to spend time visiting district voting locations (Chittenden, Killington, Mendon and Pittsfield) on Aug. 13. I hope to see many of you there. I a.m. running for re-election and would appreciate your support. More information can be found at harrisonforvermont.com. 

Jim Harrison is the state representative for Chittenden, Killington, Mendon, and Pittsfield. He can be reached at JHarrison@leg.state.vt.us.

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