On May 22, 2024

Slate Valley school district to hold fourth vote on district budget


In response to the results of the last vote on May 9, and valuable community feedback during the school board meeting on May 13, the Slate Valley Unified Union School District will hold its fourth vote in an attempt to pass the budget on May 30. It will be a revote on the third FY25 school budget presented to taxpayers May 9. 

An informational meeting will be held the night prior on May 29 at 6:30 p.m. in the band room at Fair Haven Union Middle and High School.

“The proposed budget for the revote is the same one that was voted on May 9,” explained  Superintendent Brooke Olsen-Farrell. “While that budget was defeated, it was by a much narrower margin than in previous votes.”

After careful consideration of input received from various stakeholders, the majority of the Slate Valley school board decided to present the same proposed budget for the upcoming revote. This decision reflects the voice of the vast majority of attendees at the informational meetings and the recent school board meeting who did not support additional cuts, expressing that our district already spends relatively little compared to others in the state, according to Olsen-Farrell. Many board members also explained that additional cuts would have minimal impact on further reducing local taxes due to the complex statewide funding system.

“Slate Valley recognizes the importance of fiscal responsibility while also striving to provide students with the resources and support they need to excel academically and personally,” the district stated, noting the challenge in planning for the upcoming year without a budget.

“As we approach July 1 without an approved budget, certain summer programs may be affected, especially if the budget isn’t passed on May 30,” said Olsen-Farrell. “Summer services, except those for special education as mandated, teacher training, middle school round-up, and other programs are uncertain and may be canceled if the budget isn’t approved.”

“We encourage all eligible voters to participate in this crucial process by casting their ballots and making their voices heard. Together, we can work towards a budget that reflects the values and aspirations of our community and ensures the continued success of our students and schools,” the district board stated.

For more information, visit: SlateValleyUnified.org.

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