The Vermont Agency of Transportation (AOT) announced Tuesday, May 14, more than $1.6 million in awards for the 2025 Better Roads Program to support municipal road projects that improve water quality and result in maintenance cost savings.
The grant funds totaling $1,598,100 are provided by AOT in partnership with the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources and are sourced from state transportation funds and the state’s Clean Water Fund. The Vermont Better Roads Program promotes the use of erosion control and maintenance techniques that save money while protecting and enhancing water quality around the state.

The application scoring of the Better Roads Program is intended to be in line with the state’s Clean Water Act (Act 64 of 2015) and the Municipal Roads General Permit (MRGP). In an effort to prioritize funding for projects that provide significant water quality improvements, applicants were required to indicate whether their projects will be in full compliance with the MRGP. Clean Water Fund dollars were awarded only to projects that bring road segments into full MRGP compliance.