Sunday, Nov.19 at 4 p.m.—RUTLAND—Fred Lemmons and Cynthia Huard will offer a clarinet and piano recital in the Grace Church Sanctuary, 8 Court St., Rutland.
Fred Lemmons, a Chattanooga native, served 21 years with “The President’s Own” U.S. Marine Band in Washington, D.C. He performed at the White House for five U.S. presidents and traveled the country performing in hundreds of concerts.
After retiring from the band, he moved to Asheville, North Carolina where he was professor of clarinet at Mars Hill University and Brevard College. He was the principal clarinetist in Asheville Lyric Opera and performed frequently with the Asheville Symphony Orchestra. He was also the clarinetist for Pan Harmonia, a nationally known chamber music company. He attended the University of Tennessee-Chattanooga for his bachelor’s degree and graduate school. For more information, visit: