On November 8, 2023

Let’s Talk  about Water


Thursday, Nov. 9 at 5:30 p.m.—LUDLOW—The Vermont Natural Resources Council will hold a community conversation on clean cater and climate resilience at the Ludlow Heald Auditorium at Ludlow Town Hall on 37 South Depot St. in Ludlow.

As communities work towards repairing the damage caused by this summer’s floods, it’s important that to explore ways to increase Vermont’s resiliency to major flooding events. There are preventative solutions available to protect people’s lives and prevent future disasters, and now is the time to collaborate with the legislature to transform possibilities into reality. One keyaspect of the discussion will be the safeguarding our river corridors, riparian areas, and wetlands to ensure they effectively absorb floodwaters.

This event will provide a space for meaningful discussions among community members, legislators, and local experts in the field, aiming to identify the necessary policy shifts that will protect communities from future disasters and ensure clean water resources for everyone’s enjoyment.

The roundtable discussion is a unique opportunity to communicate with community members and expert panelists from the Connecticut River Conservancy, Trout Unlimited of the Connecticut River Valley, the Black River Action Team, Vermont River Conservancy, and the Vermont Dept. of Environmental Conservation on clean water and resilience. Food and informational materials will be provided. Children of all ages are welcome. Crafts will be provided for them. 


5:30-6 p.m. Food and social

6-7:30 p.m. Guided roundtable discussion with experts and community members

For more information , visit: vnrc.org.

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