On May 18, 2023

Hartland intersection reconfiguration moves swiftly 

By Curt Peterson

Actual work on the controversial reconfiguration of the Three Corners intersection in Hartland should begin in early June, according to Rita Seto, senior planner and manager of the Transportation Planning Program at Two Rivers Ottauquechee River Commission (TRORC). Seto presented a project progress report to the selectboard on May 15.

In the works and public conversation since 2014, the project will be completed by Notts Excavating of White River, whose winning bid was $1,283,889.50. The contract calls for completion by Oct.  15, but Seto said Notts estimates their work will be done by late August or early September.

Currently, Seto said, the groundbreaking date is contingent on when Notts’s traffic control plan is approved by VTrans. The plan includes design and implementation of traffic routing and controls such as signage, flag persons and barrels.

Work will be only done between  7 a.m. and 5 p.m., and weekdays only.

School buses and first responder vehicles will be accommodated as needed. The plan doesn’t include designated detours, and shortcuts, such as Martinsville Road, will be actively discouraged, including signs saying “No Through Traffic”.

Selectboard chair Phil Hobbie confirmed at no time will passage through the intersection be totally cut off – controlled single lane access will be utilized. 

Seto said 10 minutes is the target maximum wait drivers might experience.

All the utility companies – Green Mountain Power, Comcast, First Light and VTel – have met with VTrans and Notts’ and coordinated the burying of their lines.

There may be a time when the Route 5 bend is closed for equipment storage, but that is not a certainty.

Importantly, Notts’ will make sure the project and equipment don’t interfere with parades and spectators during Old Home Day on July 4.

Everett Hammond, a Springfield public works engineer, will act for the town as overseer of the project, and use the town manager’s office as his headquarters. Seto said Hammond will make sure contract specifications are met, and keep TRORC and the town informed about progress on a regular basis. She will provide acting Town Manager Martin Dole with weekly reports of expenses and progress and meet with the Select Board as required. 

Hammond will meet personally with adjoining property owners to answer questions and share information about the project, accompanied by Dole.

Because of the Memorial Day holiday, the next Select Board meeting will be June 5. The first portion of that meeting will be a public information update regarding the project. The Select Board will advertise the event and warn the public to encourage attendance. 

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