The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Dept. is asking hunters for help gathering biological data on the state’s deer population. Hunters who get a deer during the Nov. 12-27 regular deer season are asked to provide an incisor tooth from their deer. Tooth envelopes are available at all deer reporting stations.
Biologists are collecting middle incisor teeth from all regular season bucks to evaluate regional differences in ages and antler characteristics as well as to help estimate population size, growth rate, health, and mortality rates. Each tooth will be cross sectioned to accurately determine the deer’s age, and the results will be posted on the Fish & Wildlife website next spring.
“Knowing the ages of harvested deer is critically important, and more information allows us to make better management decisions,” said Nick Fortin, Vermont Fish & Wildlife’s deer project leader. “To accurately estimate deer numbers, and to better assess our current management strategies, we really need to get teeth from as many bucks as possible.”