On February 16, 2022

Secretary of State Jim Condos announces retirement after 11 years in post

By Sarah Mearhoff/VTDigger

After more than a decade in office, Secretary of State Jim Condos is retiring from his post overseeing Vermont’s statewide elections system at the end of his current term.

By Glenn Russell/VTDigger
Secretary of State Jim Condos speaks during the statewide canvass of the general election results Nov. 10, 2020.

The 30-plus-year veteran of local and state politics announced his plan to retire in a Tuesday, Feb. 15, virtual news conference and also on Twitter .

Condos was first elected to his seat in 2010 after serving as a state senator for Chittenden County for eight years and South Burlington city councilor for 18 years.

Condos’ announcement comes as the state goes through its once-in-a-decade process of redrawing legislative district lines. And this year, state lawmakers are facing a tight deadline, crunched by the U.S. Census Bureau’s tardiness. Lawmakers need to get the job done by April 1.

His legacy will include universal vote by mail & transforming the SoS office from paper driven to a digital environment.

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