On January 19, 2022

Get a healthy start in 2022 with Billings Backyard Series

Kimchi, sauerkaut, fermented foods workshop with Chef Emery

Saturday, Jan. 22 at 10 a.m. — WOODSTOCK — According to scientists, fermented foods like kimchi, sauerkraut and kombucha increase the diversity of gut microbes and lead to lower levels of inflammation. It turns out these can be easy to make at home and fun too. Who knew cooking and science, coupled with cultivation and patience could produce such delicious results?

Courtesy Billings Farm & Museum

Anyone can learn to make these fermented foods with Billings Farm’s Chef Emery as she leads our next Billings Backyard Series cooking workshop, “Kimchi, Kraut, and More!,” on Saturday, Jan. 22. The workshop will take place live on Zoom from 10-11:30 a.m.

In this class Chef Emery will demonstrate how to make your own sauerkraut and kimchi. She will discuss other “lacto-fermented” foods, and how they can be used in unique and delicious ways in everyday life as participants make a multi-purpose sauce using kombucha.

This live Zoom presentation is followed by a 30-minute Q&A period. The workshop costs $15/person; $10/BF&M member. Space is limited.

Registration is required by Jan. 19 for participants to receive advance instructions, recipes and preparation details. Registered participants will receive a recording following the live presentation. Visit billingsfarm.org to register.

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