On May 19, 2021

Learn about pollinators in a self-paced course

Put out the welcome mat for bees, butterflies and other pollinators this summer by planting nectar- and pollen-rich flowers in your vegetable or flower garden. Learn how by enrolling in “Creating Pollinator-Friendly Landscapes in Vermont.”
The three-part course, designed for home gardeners and small landowners, will cover a range of topics including the process of pollination, different types of pollinators, selection of native plants and ways to enhance habitat to attract pollinators. You also will learn about integrated pest management (IPM) strategies to manage unwanted pests and protect pollinators with minimal or no use of pesticides.
The course, which costs $30, is self-paced and taught through assigned readings and pre-recorded lectures. Upon completing the work and final survey, you will receive a certificate of completion.
Instructors are IPM research technician Cheryl Frank Sullivan, University of Vermont (UVM) Entomology Research Lab; Sarah Kingsley-Richards, UVM pesticide safety education program coordinator; and Jane Sorenson, owner of River Berry Farm, an organic small fruit and vegetable farm in Fairfax.
The course was developed by the UVM Extension community horticulture program. To register, visit go.uvm.edu/pollinator-landscape-course. For more information or to request a disability-related accommodation to participate, call Beret Halverson at 802-656-1777.

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