Tune in for smart advice before accepting financial aid offers.
March 2 at 6 p.m.—WINOOSKI—Join VSAC on March 2, from 6-7 p.m. for the next VSAC Shows You How webinar that shows you how to understand and compare financial aid offers. They’ll break it down so that you can better weigh your options and make informed choices.
Get all your questions answered from financial aid experts at Vermont Student Assistance Corp via Zoom. You can also watch from the VSAC Facebook page. Marilyn Cargill, vice president of financial aid services, research, and marketing, is joined by Soren Dews, VSAC outreach counselor, who leads financial aid workshops and works with students and families in their college search.
For families with a high school senior, this is when most college acceptances (congratulations!) and financial aid offers arrive in full force. It’s an exciting time and—let’s face it—also a bit overwhelming as deadlines loom: Most colleges require a deposit by May 1. That means families need to do math calculations and make some smart—and sometimes tough—decisions about which school is the best fit.
To help you interpret those financial aid offers (and take some of the stress out of the process), we’ve broken it down for you so you can better compare all your options and make informed choices. We want you to know more so you can borrow less. So before accepting financial aid offers (and buying college stickers for the car), tune in for smart advice.
Then, we’ll turn things over to you to ask your questions – we know you have a lot of them.
Register at /us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_Eeiw8LXXRFy2fAjsNmGMEA. For more information, email info@vsac.org.